"Yeah well, I don't want you to, because I...Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become.." Clint says, his voice faltering.

"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes..." Nat says, just above a whisper.

"Maybe you should," Clint nods as he looks down to his best friend.

"You didn't.." Natasha says, now whispering.

"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" Clint asks as Nat smiles sadly.

Clint and Natasha lean their heads against each other. Clint locks his eyes with Natasha as they back up.

"Okay. You win..." Clint says as he smiles.

Suddenly, Clint kicks Natasha to the ground, pinning her down.

"Tell my family I love them.." Clint says as he holds her neck down.

Natasha returns the favor by tackling Clint to the ground, switching places with him.

"You tell them yourself..." Natasha says as she shoot and electric disk at Clint as she runs towards the cliff.

Clint quickly takes off the disk and stands to his feet. He pulls his bow in front of him and shoots an explosive arrow on the ground beside Natasha's feet, knowing her down.

With Natasha down, everything went in slow motion. Clint tossed his bow down as he jogged towards the cliff. Natasha watched, her mouth ajar.

Clint jumps off the cliff, accepting his fate. Suddenly... arms quickly wrap around his body.


She, in a quick mannner, hooked Clint to a grappling hook and shot it into the side of the mountain.

They held onto each other as the grapple brought Clint's momentum to a halt, but not Natasha. The momentum was transferred to her, making her body fall from Clint's.

Clint was quick enough to grab her hand before she fell completely.

"Damn you!" Clint yells as he looks down at his close friend.

"Let me go," Natasha whispers with her eyes glossed over.

"No...Please, no!" Clint shouts as he tries to pull Natasha up, to no avail.

"...It's okay..." she whispers as you nods.

"Please..." Clint tries one more time. But Natasha has her mind made up.

Natasha kicks the wall, releasing Clint's grip on her hand.

Her body fell in slow motion, as she plummeted down to unfortunate death...

Clint looked away as Natasha's body hit the ground...

Her scarlet red blood poured onto the ground as the sound of Clint's crying echoed out amongst the empty planet.

A large boom from the sky was heard as Clint's grief hit immediately...

There was a large flash of light and then nothing..

When he finally came to, he was submerged in a small pool of water, his mouth and head out of the water.

He quickly sits up, remembering what had happened.

Tears roll down his face as he hits the ground out of anger. While doing this, he feels something in his hand.

He slowly opens his hand, revealing the soul stone.

He had gotten the stone... but was it worth it?

Then, his Quantum Suit activates on its own as he shrinks back to the present day, soon joined by the others returning from their journies.

Everyone smiles as their suits disappear.

"Did we get them all?" Bruce asks as he looks around, seeing all six stones were counted for.

"You telling me this actually work?" Rhodey asked with a smile.

You feel your eyes turn back gold, now in close proximity of the mind stoke once again. But you felt something was wrong.

Clint falls to his knees, causing everyone to look his way. You look for your red headed friend with a smile, but she is no where to be found.

"Wheres Natasha..?" You say with a confused look. Clint doesn't answer...his emotions did.

His face was stained in dry tears as new tears cover them once again.

"No... no no no..." you whisper as your hands go into your hair.

Bruce goes to a knee, and lightly punches the glass floor.

Your anger and grief mixed together into something that couldn't exactly be said.

You walk off of the platform and walk out towards the exit of the room. On the way there, you kick over a table, breaking it, and then walking out.

"This wasn't suppose to happen.."
1224 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

Whiplash- Book 4Where stories live. Discover now