
817 20 13

A/N not edited sorry

They began to look at me nervously as I shrugged my shoulders. People began to move around in the background and I grabbed onto my gun slightly. Theres was no way they were going to let me leave alive after knowing this.

All I could do now is stall till Travis had arrived.

"So you are only here to make money?" The man asked as he took a step back.

"Yes that is correct. You can rest easy I'm only here for my cash. As long as I get that there are no problems."

He slowly nodded his head and then another person came out from behind him.

"Ah theres here Ms this will be our middle man-"

"Hello Mr Bleu."

The middle man stopped in between us. His eyes had widened as he stared at me.

"Shit I cant do this." Dante mumbled backing up.

"Whats wrong Mr Bleu has something made you upset?" I asked taking a step forward.

"Please find a new middle man I don't want any of the cash in this one.." He began to hack away even more his hands up in front of him.

As I stepped closer he immediately dropped his hands down to his side. He pulled something up from his waist band which seemed to be a gun. His hands began to shake as he stared at me.

"She killed them..."

"S-She killed them all!" He shouted backing away even more.

"Killed who?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"You fucking psycho!" He shouted. 

He took a shot at me and quickly moving to the side I pulled up the gun I was holding. I began to take shoots at him as he dived behind a couch.

Everyone else had pulled out there guns now and were all pointing them at me.

"Lower your weapons this is between us." I mumbled pointing my gun at the couch.

"I apologize but he is apart of my section. If you come for him you come for us."

I let out a small sigh and put the gun back into my pocket.

"Lets just get this deal over with."

They looked at me confused and I rolled my eyes.

"Listen I'm here for the money lets call this off and we can fight it out when I get my cash and you your hostages do we have a deal?"

The boss sighed as he nodded his head.

"Lets finish this."

I turned my back to them as I began to walk towards the hostages. Picking both of them up off the ground by there collars they both looked at me.

"Play along will be done soon..." I whispered.

I turned back to them and a new person had came out. They stood between the both of us to keep us distant.

I stopped a few feet in front of them and staring up at him he gave me a small smile.

"I apologize for earlier lets start again shall we?"

"Ah don't apologize and its fine we aint need to start over."

"And why would that be."

"Why start something when its about to end."

The sound of a loud bang rung throughout the house. The windows around us began crashing and from one of the windows Travis had jumped in. He landed on his feet slowly standing up he dusted the glass off himself.

"Ah just in time." He mumbles pulling a gun out from his pocket.

I grabbed back onto my own gun and began to shoot at the people in fromt of me. The boss had disappeared and I ended up hitting the middle man square in the face.

"Cover me!" I shouted as I began to dash towards the door.

Stopping in front of the door I placed down Kawaii Chan and Zane down. There ropes were untied and I handed both of them a gun.

"Get out of here Katelyn should be out front so try not to die." I mumbled as I gave them a small smile.

They nodded there heads and quickly hurried over to the door.

Getting up off the ground I scanned around the room as a certain blue haired man caught my attention. I began to run towards him. Shooting people left and right he noticed me running towards him and instantly began to use people as shields. Every bullet meant to hit him either hit someone else or the wall.

I was beginning to get irritated. I speed up as he began to run away from the fight.

"DAMNIT DANTE IM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I screamed after him.

He kept running even faster down the hall. Eventually all I could hear were gun shots in the distance.

Dante had ran into a room and slamming the door shut I quickly stopped in front of it. Looking down at the door knob I began to twist it. When I noticed the door was unlocked I quickly opened it up. As the door swung open one thing crossed my mind.

But it was too late now because I had just played into his trap.

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