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I dropped down onto the bed lying on my back. My arms and legs were spread out as well as my hair.

"Oh, baby." He mumbled.

He slowly walked up to me and began to take off his shirt. My face turned a bright red and I hid my face.

"Oh, baby girl you're the shy type huh."

The weight on the bed shifted and I looked up. He crawled onto the bed and I peaked out a bit. He grabbed onto my hands and pinned me down onto the bed.

I yelped in shock and he let go of my hands. He sat on top of me and began to unbuckle his pants.

I sat up a bit and traced my hand up his chest. I leaned closer to him so our lips were almost touching and I wrapped my hands around his back.

"Please hold me.." I mumbled shyly.

"Oh, you little slut.." He mumbled.

He bit down onto my neck and I moaned. Our bodies were touching and I felt him leaning closer into me.

"Close your eyes.." I pulled pushing back from him.

He looked at me in confusion and I pushed my hair back behind my ears. My head dipped down towards his crotch and he smiled.

He quickly closed his eyes and a huge smirk appeared on my face.

I reached into my panties and whipped out a gun. I pointed it at the guy and took a shot at his chest.

I jumped up off the bed and onto the ground.

The guy cried out in pain and looked at me shocked.

His face began to drain of colour and he slowly fell back onto the bed. I licked my lips and put my gun into my bra.

I looked down at him and he began coughing up blood. Crimson red in colour began flowing fast from his chest.

"No.." He mumbled.

I began to giggle a bit and his face turned to a frown.

"No way.."

"Yes, way," I replied smiling.

I took the gun out of my bra again and pointed it at his head.

"Y-your her.." He mumbled again.

"You got it," I said in a raspy but evil voice.

"Your that girl they've all been talking about lately..." I laughed at his remark and gave him a smirk.

"You're that crazy Assassin people are talking about, Pheonix isn't it."

I gave him another small smile and he looked at me in shock.

"Say your prayers."

I pulled back the trigger of the gun and a loud banging noise echoed throughout the room.


I sat down staring at my empty drink. I played around with a straw a bit until I heard a cough.

I looked up and the bartender stared down at me.

"So I heard about what you did today."

"Shut up Travis.." I mumbled staring back down at my drink.

"I heard he was the CEO of the new technology company. They have given the company to the next heir I'm assuming you'll be going after him next aye?" Travis asked bending down to whisper the last part.

Aarmau AU ¶Player¶Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ