Chapter 4: Brunch

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Lance and I help Mom in the kitchen after she comes home from church. She's the only one in the family who goes, but she doesn't mind; Dad told me a long time ago that everyone copes in different ways— whatever that means.

We all act like yesterday didn't happen, save Luis. He's is still cleaning his room and not helping cook, but he'll be down for brunch when it's ready. I'm a little surprised Mom isn't making him spend every second of his life with her before he moves. When I told Mom I didn't really have plans after high school, she started spending more time with me.

I guess I understand her motives. She's devoted most of her life to being a mother, but soon she'll have an empty nest. I can't deny that I miss my siblings when they're gone. That's why— every week— when we hear the doorknob click, Lance and I drop what we're doing to greet whoever is at the door. I'm sixteen, but I can't help but jump up and down like a child when Veronica shows up. She reciprocates my attitude, picking me up and spinning me around.

"How's the new school, Keith?" she asks.

"Good," I say. Then I see someone else standing hesitantly in the doorway; a girl with cool purple hair. "Who's that?" I ask.

Veronica grins and pulls the stranger in by the wrist. "This is Acxa," she beams. "She is my guest today."

Something seems different about the way they look at each other, but it's a good different. "I'm Keith," I say and awkwardly shake her hand.

"Tch- Let's get back to work, Romeo," Lance prods impatiently.

"Right, I'm going back to the kitchen, then," I wave.

Lance practically drags me away from them. "She's way to old for you, you know," he huffs.

I glance at him from the side as I get back to mixing my eggs. "What are you talking about?"

Lance rolls his eyes, rolling his whole head as well. "I just don't want you getting hurt when she turns you down. Sad Keith is no fun."

"What?" I cough. I forget I haven't told anyone I don't like girls like that. Now probably isn't the time, though. "I don't know where you got that idea, but you can get rid of it real quick."

"What was that, baby?" Mom asks. She just turned off the fan on the microwave, so she heard that last bit.

"It's nothing; not important."

She bites her lip, and I detect the concern before she masks it with a smile. "Okay. Will you help me get this food to the table?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lance salutes.

I take two big serving trays, and Lance carries one little bowl of fruit to the table. "You are the laziest perfectionist I've ever met," I tell him under my breath when Mom goes back to the kitchen to finish the eggs.

"What can I say?" Lance winks. "I can do it all."

Everyone comes in to eat, and they take their usual spots except for Acxa, who hesitates to come into the dining room at all. She touches the chair next to me, but I stop her.

"That's Lance's seat," I tell her, and the light banter of the table stops abruptly.

"Oh, sorry," Acxa mutters.

"It's okay!" Marco pipes up. "You can sit by me."

"Oh, uh, thanks." Acxa sits, and conversation starts again, though slowly. When people ask her questions, Acxa answers very directly and with as few words as possible— like she's a guilty suspect in an interrogation. When no one is specifically talking to her, she keeps glancing at Lance and me— sort of like Shiro did on the first day of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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