all apologies

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(a/n) sorry my books have been dead for a bit,,
i've been unmotivated as hell, and loads of schoolwork and finals coming up doesn't help that much either.
so probably not gonna be a lot of updates for while bc of finals, presentations, and all of that jazz.
so, sorry 'bout that.
also about my ending of last one shot, i'm not gonna say if the whole thing was real n shit, it's open for interpretation.

and before anyone asks, yes,
the title is based off a nirvana song.
just when i thought of the plot i just had to do it to em

plot: what if, just, what if, book realized that what taco did was a whole ass misunderstanding and she fuckin apologizes
(i may love matchcil but i have other things to me besides matchcil 😔👊, i also kept my promises and i am writing something different for y'all)

characters that spoke/are mentioned:

Taco had decided that she wanted to settle the whole fiasco with her "supposedly abandoning" her team once and for all.
She had become sick of it.
It seemed as if she was near Book, she would burst out yelling that she had abandoned them.
Taco didn't know if confronting her would work, considering she tried multiple times during challenges.
But this time, she was going to pull her aside, and try to talk to her, which was probably going to be a pain in general, but if she wanted to settle the issue, shes gotta do what shes gotta do, and deal with it.

So, that's what she did.
Before any of the challenges started, she had approached her.
"Book-" Taco got cut off, already.
"So, are you going to abandon us this challenge, or what? You've finally decided to help?" Book asked.
Ah shit, here we go again. Taco thought.
(I couldn't just not throw that meme in there, sorry.)
"Funny you bring that up, since that's exactly what I wanted to talk about."
"What?" Book asked, raising an eyebrow, but clearly still angry.
"Exactly what I said. I wanted to talk about this fiasco. And why it's just one big misunderstanding." Taco said.
"Misunderstanding?! Yeah, right."
"Yes! A misunderstanding!"
"Do you really think I'm gonna believe you?" Book scowled.
"I don't know if you will, but I just want to tell you. I'm not asking you to forgive me, I just want you to be aware."
Book didn't respond, she only raised her eyebrow, and seemed as if every word Taco spoke, Book got more and more angrier towards her.
"Okay, continue." Book finally said, moving her hand in a motion that said 'go on.'
"Okay. So. Here's the thing. It was a misunderstanding."
"Get on with it." Book muttered.
"Okay, I couldn't get out of the jawbreaker. I was stuck. Nobody got me out. So I was stuck. And it is impossible to get out of a jawbreaker. I couldn't be in challenges because i was STUCK IN IT. I couldn't figure a way out of it. I'm sorry, okay?!?"
"Are you lying?" Book asked.
"What is your problem?! Oh my god, how could I make this up?!"
"You still could be."
Oh my god.
"What?!?! Are you serious?! I'm really sorry if it comes off as that way. But that's not the case! Can't we just put it aside and just start with a clean slate?!? Please?! I just want to put an end to this, and you too, probably!!!"
Please don't be stubborn.
Please don't be stubborn.
Please don't be stubborn.
Taco could only hope at this point.
Book sighed.
"Fine. I'll give you a second chance. But you better not abandon us, or else I'm not gonna trust you, no matter how many times you ask for forgiveness."
Taco huffed at the last statement, but accepted it nonetheless.
It was better than Book running away, not even doing anything, except yelling at her that she "abandoned" her and the rest of the team.
After the challenge...
(Not including who won or what the contest was, since it's irrelevant to the one shot.)
So, Taco did as she was told.
Even if Book didn't tell her to actually try in challenges, she still would've done it anyway.
But she made sure Book saw her, and she did.
After the challenge, Book had approached her.
Taco just braced herself just because of instinct, and she didn't want her to yell at her.
"So you didn't abandon us."
"Yeah! You see! I didn't abandon the team! You believe me now?!?" Taco said, desperate.
Book hesitated, which made Taco realize that she was trying really hard not to admit that Taco was right.
"Okay... I can't believe I'm ever saying this... but yeah. I saw you, and I guess you're right."
Taco smiled, glad that she realized that in fact, she wasn't abandoning everyone, she just got misunderstood.
She owes me an apology... Taco thought, but never said it, as she didn't want to anger her.
"Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry." Book smiled very slightly, and walked away, heading back to where the rest of the team was.

Words: 917

(A/N) sorry that chapter was short! ive been busy like i said earlier in the first authors note... so oops, i apologize. i have loads of finals, and even one on my birthday, so rip. i hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day/afternoon/night, and y'all are awesome!

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