Olly meets me at the door, holding the door open for me. " Your such a gentleman." I say sarcastically and Olly beams a smile.

" I am aren't I?" He says when he steps in and I roll my eyes then shove him. He laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

" This one was my idea." He says to me. I didn't realize where we were until now and my eyes light up to see that we were at a bowling alley.

" Bowling? I'm going to kick your ass!" I exclaim and maybe a little bit to loudly when I look away from Olly to see nosy strangers turn around wanting to know what the commotion was about.

I hear a familiar laugh behind us and turn around to see Eliza, Haris, and Devin walk in with mysterious grins on their faces. " What's so funny?" I ask.

" Just the thought that you could beat anyone in bowling." Eliza says and I scoff.

" Wanna bet?" A mischievous glint in his eyes appears and a could her a chuckle come from Haris who was shaking his head at how childish we were.

" If I win you have to pay for my lunch and be my personal butler for a week. No exceptions." Eliza says holding put his hand to shake.

" Deal. Ill do the same." I say and shake his hand. The rest of my friends enter and we get out bowling shoes except for Tatum who decided to sit out and play on her phone instead.

Even though that girl hadn't done anything to me doesn't mean I have to like her, for fuck's sake I don't even have to act like I do. I just have a bad feeling about her.

" Alright who wants to be team captain?" Devin shouts after everyone puts their shoes on. We settled on having two lanes to bowl on since there is eight of us who are playing (*cough cough* Tatum since she won't be playing) so I guess now we're having team captains.

" I call captain!" Dylan and I say in unison flinging a hand in the air. His eyes meet mine and I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same. I laugh and look away when after he winks at me.

" You're the birthday girl. You go first." Dylan says and I grin.

" Olly." I say.

" Eliza." He says.

" Haris." A surprised look crosses his face and I chuckle. Me? He mouths and I nod. Haris smiles and I turn back to Dylan.

" um...Lilly."

" Olivia."

Dylan looks around the room and his eyes land on Devin. Devin had a look on his face that said I knew I would be the last one and I tried hard not to laugh. " Devin." He finally says and Devin nods excepting it. I feel bad for him, but not to bad because I want to win.

" Alright lets start the game."

Dylan and so go up to our lanes and puck up our bowling balls mine being the small blue one while his was a big red one. I let him go first since he let me pick my teammate first.

Of course he gets a strike. I get a spare. Not that that's bad or anything but I'm not loosing to freckles (Eliza) over there. As the turns went by Dylan's team was in the lead by seven. SEVEN. It was the last round and I could feel my hands start to shake as I watched everyone get up, throw the ball, and hit or don't hit the white bowling pins.

Then it came to be my turn. I walk up to where the bowling balls are and placing my hand in the ball and lifting it up carefully so I don't drop it on my foot. I walk up to the read line at the beginning of the game. I take a deep breath and toss the ball down towards the bowling pins knocking seven down. I jump up and down with happiness since we might at least for with Dylan's team.

My ball goes back and I do the same thing again but only knocking down two bowling pins leaving me with one. Wow I can do math. I chuckles to myself.

" Good job Ken Ken!" I hear Olivia shout way to loudly while she sat next to Olly. I smile and nod but inside I feel disappointed in myself. I do NOT want to loose to Eliza if its the last thing I do.

Thankfully we won by one point, and you know what that means!" HA! We won! We won!" I sing doing my happy dance. Eliza groans flinging his head back and everyone laughs including me, but mine was more of a like " MUAHAHAHAHAHAH" kind of thing while there's was like " Haha." kind of thing. Even Tatum slightly laughed.

But it didn't matter Becuase now I get free lunch (paid by the one and only redhead, freckled, Eliza) and he will be my butler for a whole month. Suck it Eliza!

I felt the urge to pee so I excused myself from the others and went into the bathroom. I did my thing and was washing my hands when the light brown hair, blue eyes girl came in. It was Tatum, and the smile I had on before disappeared.

On the Ice (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now