Chapter 4: Ditching and a CWUSH

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"I'm falling in love,

But it's falling apart,

I need to find my way back to the start! 

When we were in love, 

Things were better than they are! 

Let me back into... 

Into youuuur arms! 

Into youuuur arms!" Skylar sung gleefully, as she danced around her room, echoing the beautiful voice of John O'Callaghan.

As for her lecture, it turned out that her parents believed her big fat lie. Yup. The girl didn't like to lie, but she had to. If they ever caught her with a boy, they'd seriously have her on house arrest. Especially strangers. And she wanted to see Niall again before she turned 50; and probably by then he'd be long gone and probably would've forgotten all about her. And that was if she was lucky enough to be put on parole and then finally getting the chance to be be released from house arrest. So she felt that she was openly obligated to upset her parents over this one boy, who she met not even a full day ago.

The girl laughed at the thought, reminiscing the scene from earlier.

"Skylar! Who were you with?"

"Ma, I was with Sydney. We were staying after school to attend the college application thing, so we can get a letter of recommendation from our teachers. There were a lot of other students, so it took a long time," I replied smoothly, lying right through my teeth.

"... Oh. Good for you. Next time, remember to call me, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

Now Skylar pouted as the song ended. She wondered what Niall was up to.


Niall finally felt content as the song strained it's last lyric.

"Into youuuur arms...

Into youuuur arms."

By then, Paul, their bodyguard, and the rest of the hotel security team were able to get the hysteric crowd of girls out of the hotel hallway, and back outside the hotel, where they were still causing a ruckus, screaming bloodcurdling screams at the top of their lungs. Still. The Irish boy was genuinely curious as to how those lunatics could scream for so long and not obliterate their lungs and vocal cords. Nevertheless stand the annoying screams surrounding them. But fangirls will be fangirls. Obsessive, protective, and more delusional than a kid who went to the dentist and had a good dose of laughing gas put into their system.

Plopping back down on his bed, the cerulean-eyed boy put his headphones back on, and went to the song he was last listening to. Niall decided to play the song on a loop, liking the way it set the current mood, and more importantly, the fact that it always reminded him of Skylar. Something about it just made him think about nothing but her. Images of the girl started popping into Niall's mind as the song played. It began with the flip of her mid-length and extremely voluminous, dark brown hair, with bangs that were lightly tousled and pulled back at the crown, revealing her flawless and make-up free forehead. Then came flashes of her deep brown eyes, that were rimmed with long black eyelashes, and framed by her perfectly arched eyebrows. What Niall thought was extremely adorable was her constant and natural flush in her cheeks. It made his heart flutter. The last thing Niall thought about was her full, pink lips. Man, he really wanted to kiss her. But he knew that they should remain friends. At least for now.

The soft strums of the guitar started, but from a new song. It happened to be another one of Niall's favorite songs. As he drifted off to sleep, he smiled at the lyric that lingered in his head, replaying itself over and over again, before it ingrained itself, and Skylar into his dreams.

Into Your Arms (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora