Chapter 8

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Taylor's pov

I have this habit of biting my lip when I get worried or if I over think thing to much and right now that's what i'm doing. I don't know how to fix this. Every time I look at Christofer all I  can think of is  Josh and I like to tell myself that that is not the reason that i'm helping him. When in reality it is and ever since he has moved in i've been having dreams about Josh and I keep having flashbacks about the times when we were together and it was all my fault when he crashed. I remember going to talk to someone about the accident and they would tell me that it was not my fault that he made his own decisions and that's why he suffered them on his own.

The place is quiet and I hate it when it's quiet joining a band made me think I would be touring and I wouldn't be home and I would be so distracted and forget about Josh then at the show I saw Christofer and he stood out from everyone and at first I just felt like I needed to help him I don't know why I kissed him I realized why I felt like I needed to help him. I've been thinking about asking the band members to move in just so that it wont be quiet. I turned to the clock and it said 4:00. That was another one of my habits waking up in the middle of the night to pour myself a glass of milk and just think about how everything could of been different and I don't even drink it in the end it just sits there most of the night. Deep into my own thoughts I knocked down the glass and it broke. I kind of hoped that it didn't wake Christofer up but it did.

"Are you okay?" he asked running over to me sitting on the floor trying to pick up the broken glass

"Yeah i'm fine I just couldn't sleep"

"So you decide to break glass?"He said trying to make me laugh

"Well I decided to get milk and I dropped it" I explained to him as I cut my finger with a piece of glass

"You know what i'll clean this up while you go find band aids it looks pretty deep and when i'm done i'll help you cure it"

"You shouldn't I dropped it so I should clean it up"

"Taylor don't worry"

After Christofer finished cleaning up the class he came in to put alcohol on my cuts

"Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked me while trying to distract me from the alchol's burning 

"I'm scared and  all I can think of is the reason that scares me"

"Why are you scared I don't think you have much to worry about"

"I just am one bad thing happens in my life and it haunts me until another bad thing happens"

"If it helps I can stay here and talk to you until you fall asleep" He offered

"That would help" 

Katie's pov

Ethan has been trying to convince me that Chris isn't with that girl who answered him phone. I just wish he would call me and talk to me which he obviously hasn't but maybe the girl was that merch girl he told me about but he would of told me if he moved in with her.

"Katie you shouldn't even worry about him. He's not as important as your kid is right now because he can leave now but your kid won't well at least not for 18 years"

"That dosn't help Ethan"

"Well i've been trying to help you Katie all day and if lies are not what you want to hear then I'll tell you the truth. He left Katie he hasn't called and maybe he won't anymore you and I just like everyone else knew that he wanted to leave and he did you should of went with him because there is nothing good for this town and now the only person here for you is me and I honestly don't know how long I can keep sitting here when all you talk about is this guy" He said before realizing what he had just said "I got to go"  he told me in a calm voice slamming the front door

Ethan's pov

I left I know that for some reason i'll be back maybe because I realized I love her and I didn't mean to hurt her so I left before I could realize that I hurt her. I just couldn't stick around to see the pain in her eyes any longer. I didn't know where to go so I drove for hours until I realized I was drove past the same street eight times in the past twenty minutes. So I stopped me car and knocked on a small wooden house and a lady answered

"Ethan what a suprise" She told me

"Good afternoon" I told her

"It's ten i'm pretty sure it's considered night"

"I Have to talk to you"I told. She let me in the house and I sat in her living room

"Have you heard from Christofer?" I asked

"No I didn't even know he was leaving until I heard it from the rest of the town"

"Do you also know about Katie?" I asked her

"No Everyone has been so secretive about her"

"You are going to be a grandmother"

"You mean he got her pregnant"

"Yea and Katie needs someone to take care of her"


"Because she almost had a miscarriage"

"So you came to tell me to help her?"

"Yes I tried but all she can think about is your son and not her self or the kid"

"You know I can't do that. He left us when he wasn't even 16 and he thought he had it worked out and then he meets this girl and it all changes. Ethan you are a good guy but I can't and I appreciate you telling me but sorry I waisted your time" she told me getting up "Feel free to show yourself the door"

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