Chapter 3

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Tomorrow Christofer is supposed to leave. Today we were going to buy stuff for the kids nursery  we still didn't know the gender so we decided that we would paint the nursery be and make it ocean themed.

I sort of wished my mom was here to help us shop but she didn't answer my text inviting her.

Christofer's dad was nice enough to give Christofer his credit card so that we could buy some stuff but we made sure not to take advantage of it and go over board.

First we chose the crib, the car seat, and the stroller. Afterwards we bought the clothes we made sure we choose colors that would fit both genders and we bought little baby converse in a bunch of colors and as for the toys we just got stuffed animals and an ocean themed night light while we were buying the stuff the other soon to be parents were just looking at us. Probably because we looked too young to have a kid but we decided not to let it get to us.

When we got home we started painting it and after we finished painting it we sat and watched it dry.

"if it's a girl what will we name her?" he asked

"I kind of like the name Delilah what if it's a boy?" I asked him

"then we name him after me" he resplied

"That would be nice what if we have twins"

"well then we give them names that rhyme like your mom did for Audrey and Aubrey"

"I don't see what's bad about this town Chris I like it" I said changing the subject

"you only like it cause you fit in and your life here was perfect"

Afterwards it got quiet and I gave him a peck on the Lips. We haven't had much to say for these past few weeks probably because we had more to think about.

"How will you get signed?" I asked him after a few minutes of quietness

"I don't know yet but I can promise you I will"

"what time will you leave tomorrow" 

"I don't know yet what time do you want me to leave"

"if you don't leave before i wake up I feel like it will hurt watching you leave but if you leave before I wake up then i'll blame myself for not saying bye if anything happens to you"

"it kills me knowing I have to leave tomorrow but how else will we pay these bills and give our kid what he needs. I don't want him watching us struggle to pay the bills" he told me and I could hear him holding back tears "i'll be back by them time the kid is due I promise and I can also promise you that I will be online at 9:30 before you go to sleep and we can fall asleep talking no matter what the time zone difference is I" I didn't know what else to tell him I couldn't stop him from going.

Eventually he went to sleep and I did as well.

When I woke up I saw him packing his bags. It hurt. I just hoped he would realize what he was doing and stop packing. So I sat on our bed and watched him packing his stuff. When he finished packing I helped him take his stuff to the car and watched him drive off.

Big City Dreams (Christofer Drew)Where stories live. Discover now