Chapter 5

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"the next morning I woke up early to make my sisters something to eat for breakfasts and as soon as I started Aubrey woke up and helped me cook and when I finished Audrey woke up and they began to eat.

"Arn't you going to eat Katie?" Audrey asked me

"I'm not hungry" I replied

"You might not be but they baby is" Aubrey told me

"I don't think  the baby's hungry either" I responded "I'm just really tired" I said heading to my room to go to sleep "wake me up in thirty minutes when you two decide on where to go next".

Christofer's pov

I told Katie almost everything about my day what I didn't tell her was that the merch girl invited me to crash at her place. I laid in my bed for twenty minutes thinking about how I could have Katie forgive me because of my last minute plans but it was pretty impossible considering the fact that I wasn't with her in person. Eventually I forced myself to get out of bed and began roaming this place. Eventually I was able to find my way to the kitchen where The merch girl was.

"Good morning Christofer are you hungry? I made french toast." said Taylor

"No thanks at least not right now"

"how can you afford a place like this?" I asked her

"well my parents are really important in the music industry and well they just gave me this place when I graduated"

"it's huge" I said

"i know sometimes when warped is in town band members crash here"

"so how do you pay all of these bills"

"my parents do but enough with me what about you?"

"well I come from Joplin I doubt you heard of it before"

"how was it there?"

"I hated it but then I meet this girl and we got together and now she's going to have my kid"

"Do you plan on being there for the kid?"

"if I get it all figured out I do but if i don't i think it's much more easier to stay here"

"i'm not a pro at giving advice but eventually you will have to go back imagine how this kid will turn out if he dosn't have a father in his life"

"I feel like it would be better my kid to have no father then one who left and failed"

"what about the kid's mom?"

"There's this guy named Ethan and like maybe they will go back to each other and he could actually provide for them"

"how is this Ethan guy a better provider?"

"well his parent's and Katie's mom and step dad are the wealthiest people in the town"

"why do katies parents not help you guys out"

"because her mom hates me she cut Katie out of the will the day she left her house"

 "So she left everything behind just for you?"

"Yeah pretty much"

"Then you left everything behind including her to pursue your career"


"well that's not a fair trade" said Taylor getting up from her chair

"where are you going?"I asked her

"To get ready i'm going to introduce you to my band they are in the guest house"

"So don't I have to get ready as well?"

"I'm pretty sure you are old enough to make your own decisions" she said sniling

"so it's a yes"

katie's pov

"Katie! Wake up!" I heard my sister Aubrey scream

"what happened?" I asked worried

"you are bleeding I don't think that should be happening should it?"

"No" I replied calmly because exaggerating never did help especially at a time like this

"I called an ambulance" Audrey said comming into the room

I didn't know what happened next all I know is that I was in the hospital and Phil and Audrey and Aubrey were there and as soon as they noticed I woke up the doctor came in.

"How is my kid?" I asked

"They are doing okay but you need to take care of your self more like spend more time off your feet and relax more. I think i'm going to have to put you on bed rest for 6 weeks and give you some medication then you can come in and see if you still need bed rest and the medicine by then" the doctor instructed

"I can't really cope with bed rest because i'ma single mother at the moment not that i'm not with the father but he went to work in California so it's just me in the house" I explained

"We can get you a home nurse but I doubt you can afford one so we won't"

"I'll help her" I heard Ethan say walking into the door

"what do you think about that?" Phil asked me

"As much as I would love to say no I need someone's help so  I have no other option"

"when will she be released?" Ethan asked the doctor

"In two day's if that's not a problem" the doctor responded

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