Chapter 24

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Katies pov

Today is the day every girl dreamed of after watching Cinderella. I'm going to make my way down the isle and say yes in a few minutes. It seems so, so simple but it doesn't feel simple. Everyone is ready and the seats are filled. My heart won't stop pounding and the thought of everyone looking at me especially Ethan. There is a weird feeling in my stomach I would like to think their butterflies and not my kid. Somewhere along the road I realized it was a mistake and I couldn't turn back now and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only person to realize it was a mistake. Can I object at my own wedding? I mean I know I can say no but afterwards where will my life be. I hope someone objects but either way it'll be up to me and there was no ways out. Who made up these rules anyway? There is so much going on in my head right now i'm almost positive it's unhealthy. I was so deep in my thoughts until i heard a knock. So i opened the door.

"Mom?"I asked when I opened the door.

"Do you want to do this?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why else would I be here if i didn't" I asked

"If you don't want to you can always come home with the kids. Katie we can leave right now I gave your dad a note to give Ethan in case you don't walk down the aisle" she explained

"Mom. I'm going to do this. I want to" I lied.

"Alright well your dad is waiting for you" She warned me. So i walked out with her and meet my dad.

"You look beautiful"He said. 

"Thanks"I replied

"Katie. I wasn't the best dad and i'm sorry"He apologized and the music started playing and i couldn't be live it. My body started to shake and my heart pounded more. I didn't look into the crowd because I didn't want to feel much more scared then I already was. 

Christofers pov

"Taylor hurry up were late"I said knocking on the door of the hotel

"Hold on okay. I might as well look decent going to this wedding."She said opening the door ans she looked at me and smiled.

"Chris look at you in your suite and tie" She said fixing it.

"Com eon there is no time for this"I said

"Relax the church it literally across the street"I said as he grabbed my hand and we ran out the hotel.

"We'll be back"I yelled to the person at the front desk.

Katies pov

When I made my way to the end of the aisle Ethan got my hand and smiled at me but I was still shaking. When the preacher started talking i didn't pay attention I was to busy in my own thoughts and day dreaming about my past with christofer. Even if I said no I knew he wouldn't want me after everything I put him through. He would probably move on considering all the girls he's around everyday or maybe even Taylor everyone liked her better even Ethan and Christofers mom. I just wish that if anyone from high school  every had a crush on me they speak out it would be easier. Or maybe my mom or dad would they knew my position. What if someone objects it'll be hurtful and embarrassing to Ethan. I turned and saw my kids and they were smiling and laughing their happiness is all I need. I want to be able to meet their needs they are the reason i'm marrying Ethan.Time was running out I had to make my decision.

"Ethan"I whispered and he turned I was nervous to leave him in front of the town and his family and mines.He looked at me and smiled. Just when I got the nerve to tell him the doors opened.

"I object"I heard a girls voice. Then my heart stopped beating. Thank god one of Ethan's crushes objected it wasn't what i had in mind but it was enough. When I turned it was Taylor with Christofer.

"I can't do this Ethan"I whispered to him and got the kids from Ethan's mom and walked out handing Drake to Christofer.I didn't know where to go so I just walked Christofer and Taylor walked with me and we kept walking.

**************************Okay it was shorter then i imagined so thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it**********

I'll be working on the Kellin quinn one as soon as I realize where to go from where I left off.

Big City Dreams (Christofer Drew)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt