Chapter 22

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three months later

"So she just said no"Said Taylor who was laying next to me on the floor with her legs up on the couch.

"Yeah. Oh and did I tell you she's engaged to Ethan"I added.

"No how dare she"Taylor added

"I know right"

"So i'm guessing I won't be meeting the kids" Taylor guessed

"So what ever happened between you and jack?"I asked

"Well hmmmm he broke up with me"

"Well that's his loss." I noted

"Yea well it's not like anyone thought we were gonna last. There were a bunch of people on the tour making bets on how long we were gonna last"

"Who won the bet?"

"Gabe from Sleeping with Sirens?"

"Awww dang...well I Iost $40" I joked

"Funny Chistofer" she muttered before it got quiet

"Sorry I messed up you life"? She apologized

"No you didn't mess it up. You helped me achieve my dream of touring, getting paid for singing, I should be thanking you. I messed everything up myself and you know what they say everything happens for a reason"

"Can I confess something you you?"Taylor whispered "Promise you won't get mad"

"I promise"

"Well I just want you to know that I helped you cause you reminded me so much of my fiancee. An at first I figured maybe you would replace him and I sound really psycho right now. But I'm pretty sure i'm over you and I want you to be happy with Katie and I should stop talking now because I don't want to say more stuff i'll regret"She said sitting up

"Don't worry Taylor. I don't think your psycho. I just thought these stuff only happen in movies or books"I explained

"You guys it's two in the morning go to sleep" Travis yelled from the bunks

Katies pov

Me, Ethan, and the Kids were sitting in the living room watching a movie.

"Ethan?"I said

"Yeah"He replied

"I don't really know if it's good timing to tell you but I think i'm pregnant" I confessed and a smile grew on his face.

"Really?" he asked


"Katie I love you and I can't wait to be a father but I promise If you are pregnant I will treat all our kids equal and maybe after we get married I can give Drake and Hayley my last name?" He asked

"Um. yea. sure."i said "i'm still unsure. if I am. I haven't got my period. At least not for three months" I said

"I'll go get some test right now" He said getting up

"i'll put the kids to bed right now"I suggested

"Okay" He said as he walked out the door

While Ethan was out I called Christofers mom.

"Hello?" She answered

"it's Katie. I was wondering if I could have Christofer number" I asked and she gave it to me and hung up. Rude. I thought to myself.

So I dialed him

"Hello?"He said sounding sleepy

"are you sleeping?"I asked him

"No. Why. wait. is this?"

"Katie."I answered

"Oh hey." he said

"Christofer i'm not going to give you a story so i'm just going to tell you straight up. I'm pregnant and I don't know if its yours or Ethan. But I guess i'll have to find out in a few months." I told him

"Katie I love you and I don't know what to say to get you to come along with me and I can't do much because you are getting married in two months but I want you to know once you are married I can't do anything. I just want you to know if in a few months you walk down that aisle and say yes all chances of us are done. Oh and if you and Ethan don't workout the only reason you and I will ever be in the same room will be because of the kids. So Katie don't mess up-"he advised"Katie that's a promise"

"i'm home"Announced Ethan so I hung up"I got two of every brand"He added

"Oh yay"I joked


So we waited and waited. It seemed like forever. Or at least for me it did because part of me wish I wern't my life is a mess right now and I don't want to bring someone to the world and make their life messed up. I don't know if it's bad that I honestly have no idea where my life is going to be like next week, next month, or the month after.

"it should be time do you want to read the results?"Ethan offered

"No you should. i'm like really nervous"I lied. I made a mistake because it felt like forever waiting for him to give me the results. When he did come out he was happy and at a moment his happiness is my sadness.

"Well you are most likely pregnant" he said hugging me

****************Alright well i'll have another chapter up on Tuesday but it's going to be a filler. I also won't update for a few days because I have warped on Friday.I also asked my boyfriend if it'll be weird if I meet christofer considering i'm writing a fanfic. Hahaha? and i'll try to have the final chapter up by Monday i'm still unsure if it'll be two parts or one I guess i'll have to see. So thank everyone for reading. Sorry it took me a long time to finish this but after this i will finish the Kellin/Vic one.*************************

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