"No you girls have a good time. I don't feel like being a fifth wheel. Tonight it's going to be me, some ice cream and Netflix."

Vincent called three times that night and I sent them all straight to voicemail. Halfway through my second movie I got a call from Michael.

"Hey Michael"

"Hey gorgeous, what are you up to?"

"Ice cream and t.v"

"Good, I need a favor. My brother's new nightclub is opening tonight and I want to know if you'll go with me."

"Thanks for the offer but--"

"Come on sweetheart, your not going to have me show up at my brothers place alone."

"He's your brother he'll understand" I said laughing.

"I'm crushed, he'll never let me hear the end of it."

"Okay, but you owe me. Text me the address and I'll meet you in a hour." Michael was a nice guy but I really didn't see anything other than friendship happening between us.

I took a quick shower, lotioned myself and put on my favorite red dress to go with my gold pumps. The dress stopped at my knees, it had a key hole cut out which was lined in gold, the sides were cut out and lined in gold also and the sleeves stopped at my elbow. I did my hair in a fishtail braid and brought it over my shoulder, I left a few curls out to frame my face. I grabbed my gold clutch and headed out to meet Michael.


"Zara you look beautiful as always."

"Thanks Michael. So this is rummage huh?

"Yea lets get a drink." Michael ordered his drink and I got a sprite. I mean I don't know this guy to well to be drinking around him besides I have to drive home. I texted my sister to let her know I was here and I talked at the bar with Michael for a while.

"Zara do you want to dance?"

"Yea, why not." When we were walking towards the dance floor I saw my my sister and friends so we stopped and I introduced them to Michael.

"Zara, I'll be right back I have to go meet my brother."

"Okay." While I was talking to Tasha and Lisa I notice Vincent coming over. Yea I'm pissed at him now but we work together, so I put on my best poker face."

"Hello Vincent."

"Zara, about earlier I--"

"No, its water under the bridge." I lied through my teeth.

"I'm ready for that dance now." Michael said taking me by my hand and leading me to the dance floor.

********Vincent's P.O.V********

"What the hell is she doing here with him.?"

"Now calm down little brother, if you make a scene you know it will piss her off."

"I don't give a damn." I couldn't take sitting here watching them together. His hands were moving a little to much. When I got to them on the dance floor I pulled her away from him.

"Vincent what are you doing? Let me go."

"You heard the lady Vince."

"I think you should mind your business and walk away while you can."

"Or what?"

The next thing I knew I punched Michael in his face. "That's what."

"Let's go Zara."

"No, I'm not going with you, besides I have to check on Michael."

"No you don't." I said pulling her along


"Wait, stop, let go of me. What the hell is your problem huh?"

"I don't have a problem, besides your ignoring my phone calls. Why were you here with him?"

"What gives you a right to question who i'm with? How could you embarrass me like that, dragging me out here like a damn cave man."

"You don't even know this guy."

"Don't you have a girlfriend? Where is she, shouldn't she be around here somewhere?" I said looking around.

"Samantha is not my girlfriend, she--"

"That's not what she said and it sure didn't look like she wasn't when you kissed her."

"I didn't kiss her she kissed me, any---"

"Semantics. Look it's none of my business anyway who you are screwing. Good night Vincent"

"Zara, wait" I said grabbing her hand.

"Vincent I'm tired just let me go."

I watched her walk to her car and drive off. "Damn"


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