1: Call Me

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Inspired by Call me by your name, but not wholly that movie; more like my version and that movie is the background WARNING: No betaMaybe I will post the 2nd n the 3rd part later because it has smut **winkwink


Call me by your name and I will call you by mine

They met again, in the same season.

It was in the middle of summer, somewhere.

A calm and quiet town, the sun shone so brightly. Taehyung remembered how his older brother warned him to act like his age when he was just a teenage kid at that time.

'I know, Namjoon-hyung, relax,' he said when he was munching the toast for his breakfast and drank the peach juice in one go.

He laughed, sarcastically, when his father and his older brother talked about this one guy who would come to their house. It was for the research they said, Taehyung scoffed.

He didn't really care, not at all, he had Jungkook and Jimin by his side. They were that gang, the gang every girl would die for.

He recalled how the warm breeze caressed his cheek from the balcony window, a random girl beside him; whispering bullshit. The loud honking from a car he never sees before, a silver car with black window, a fancy one for this old fashioned neighbourhood.

He remembered how he held his breath that day, when a man, a little bit shorter than his older brother stepped out from the silver car. Taehyung didn't see his face immediately, the young man was mesmerized by the broad figure and how that man stood with confident.

'Seokjin-hyung!' his brother said with such fondness, one glance and he knew how his older brother adored that stranger; Jungkook would ask him tons of questions if he ever sees Namjoon's eyes at that time, it was no secret that the youngest was in love with his older brother.

Talking about a homophobic, he was glad that Jimin and Jungkook never talk about that. It was a silent agreement to never getting involved with each other's love matter.

Taehyung dislikes the stranger for the first time, troublesome. Sadly, his brother called him to introduce the stranger and after that moment, the young man was never the same.

Seokjin took his room, Taehyung's room. The younger man ended up using the other room that connected to his own bedroom. Talking about unfairness, he hoped the research party to end as soon as possible; at first.

The man was eccentric, Seokjin talked a lot, smiled a lot, throwing stupid dad jokes he never really understand until he hit the twenties. Funny how he later found out that the older man was one of the shyest people he knew.

For experience, the older man said through the phone. He hated Seokjin after that, he loathed him for weeks or maybe months before his brother; Namjoon told him something unexpected.

Peaches and cream, river and trees.

Back to that summer, back to those songs, back to that old piano, back to that old night parties.

Playing and playing, Seokjin taught him a lot.

'Call me by your name,' the older whispered to his ear, Taehyung could feel the heat rushed to his cheeks once again.

Having sex wasn't something new for him, oh man, he could get laid every week if he wanted to. But with Seokjin, everything felt foreign and new, he wanted to feel it.

Taehyung wanted those big hands to explore him, he wanted to explore Seokjin too. Kissing every bare skin, pulling and pushing, growling and hissing. The sensation he never ever think about before he kissed those plump lips.

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