"Babe, we're gonna eat breakfast so can you brush your teeth please?" I ask her. She's in bed playing games on the iPad. "Okay where are we?" She asks. "Going home now. We're gonna have breakfast with Vanessa, Lauren and her friends. Well be back home in an hour or two." I said.

"Yay! Okay" she says and jumps out of the bed.

"Do you usually make this many friends when you go on the cruise?" I ask Vanessa as she gets ready. "Yeah. It's fun right?!"

"Yes! I'm just glad I didn't end up crushing on someone. I did see some good looking women but..I'm done with them for now" I giggle.

"Leah really made an impact on you huh?"

"Shut up okay?" I roll my eyes and get ready too.

We head over to the deck and met up with the rest of them. Veronica was dancing to the song playing out loud on the boat. I started to record her the whole time and ended up posting it on my story.

"You're so ready for the talent show huh?" I ask her. "Yeah" she smiles then continues to eat.

I look down at my food and started to eat. Then I looked up and immediately this woman caught my eye for a second. She looked just like Leah from the side. I sigh and looked back down.

"I need to stop thinking about her. Even though I'm doing better I still manage to have her floating in my mind"

"Honestly..if she still feels the same, she might end up asking For you back. Like who wouldn't want you?!" She says. Making me smile a bit. "Thanks but as long as my baby is around, she's not.

"Until she's ready"

"But by then she's end up with someone else"

"We'll never know" She says.


After we arrived back to California, we got off the ship with our luggage and checked out. Then we went back to my house. Vanessa left after dropping us off.

"So cute" out of everyone who follows me, it was leah who replied to my story of Veronica.

"You don't like kids yet you call my daughter cute? Okay." I respond.

"I didn't say I don't like kids. I said I wasn't ready. Accept the fact that I called her cute because I find a lot of kids ugly."

"Fuck off" I replied. She leaves me on read. I wasn't here to deal with her bullshit.

"I'm gonna have you take a shower because you touched a lot of things and now you're all dirty" I said to Veronica. She groans and slouches as she walks up the bathroom. I put some things away but didn't bother to unpack. I'll just end up cleaning our luggage's our during the weekend.

"Did she like the cruise?" Veronica's dad texted me. Like I said, he's not into her life at all. But time to time he'll be nice and care. But it's not like he wants her back. I'm fine with that. He's a nice guy. He just didn't want a kid. His fault for nutting in a woman. I always wish I could meet the mother. I'm sure she's gorgeous. Veronica is such a beautiful girl and I see features from her dad in her but there other features which are for sure from her mom.

"Loved it. She wants to go again already lol"

"That's good!" He replies. That's all. We don't have long conversations.

Today's the talent show day. I just got off work and went to my moms house where Veronica is at. She's already dressed up with the outfit I picked for her show. I'm all dressed up for work but I don't have time to change so this will have to work.

"Ready guys?" I ask my mom and Veronica.

"Yeah!" Veronica says happily.

So we leave. Shortly arriving to her school. There's lots of cars here so I'm having a hard time to find parking.

"We're gonna be late by just finding parking" I said.

"Here I'll take her to her class to get ready and you go find parking. Just don't take long." My mom says.

"Okay I'll see you guys there" I said.

They left the car and went in the school building as I continued to find parking. I ended up stuck behind this car that would just not budge. They're just sitting their talking to their family members standing outside of their car. So I honked.

"Move!" I yelled. They cant hear me though since my windows are closed. Thankfully they did move and I sped up around them and found a parking right at the end.

"Finally" I said to myself as I parked. Then I left the car and walked quickly into the school building with my heels on, making sure I wasn't late.

"There you are. She's about to start but she's so nervous all of a sudden!" My mom says as they're standing outside their classroom. "Baby why're you scared? We rehearsed this many times!"

"There's more people than she expected" my mom says. "Oh gosh" I mutter and squat in front of her. "Mama you'll be fine. Just imagine it's just me, grandma and your teacher watching. They're excited to see you do so good! This is your time to just be free and dance the way you love to dance" I tell her as she's pouting looking right into my eyes.

"Where will you be?" She asks me. Just because I never get to be with her at school. "Babe I'll be right in the front watching and cheering for you! Vanessa couldn't make it but she wants me to send her the video of you performing so make her proud too okay?" I said.


"I love you. You'll do amazing" I said and kissed her then gave her a tight loving hug. "I love you too" She says back. I smile and let go. "You smell just like my perfume now" I giggle. She starts to smile and buries her face into my chest.

"I love you baby. I love you" I said quietly and sweetly to her as I rubbed her back.

After that we all went inside and it was her turn next. I sat in a chair next to my mom. I got my phone ready to record. Then I looked around to see if I knew any moms here because I do know a few. Then I saw her. Leah. We made eye contact. Hard eye contact for 5 seconds.

"Is that Veronica's teacher???" I ask my mom but she shushed me as Veronica was about to start. I bite my inner cheek and just focused on my daughter. This is gonna go great.

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