
" You kissed Jayce?!" Dylan repeats with complete and utter shock. He still looks at me in disbelief even though I've have to repeat what I've said thrice. I roll my eyes, put my head on the table and groan.

" Yes. For the fourth time, yes!" I say.

" You kissed him FOUR times?!"

" No! I was saying- nevermind." I drop the subject for just telling him was embarrassing enough. I lift my head back up and prop my hands under my chin to hold it up.

Dylan looks as if he might like out all the pizza bagels we had just eaten right onto the table with a pale face and foggy eyes I couldn't tell what was going through his mind.

"Dylan? You alright there?" I ask leaning closer to him. Dylan quickly looks up at me and nods. Since he knows that I don't believe he gives me a slight smile and I scoff at his effort.

" I know I know. I was a mistake and why in the world I did it, I'm not even sure myself. It just kind of happened and- you know nevermind I'll just try and forget about it."

" No Kenna that's the exact opposite of what I was thinking. You do realise he has a lot on his plate right? You know now that he has to take care of the twins all by himself and hockey and school, even though that's almost over in about a month....." he trails off leaving me to wonder about what he was going to say next, but he still didn't say anything.

I sigh and take a sip of my coke and feel the soft carbonation hit my tongue and I swallow it. "What should I do Dylan? I don't know what to do."

" So let me get this straight. You kissed Jayce. Once."

" Yes." I say trying not to sound annoyed by the repeated question.

" and you don't know what to do?"

" Yes! That's literally what I just said!"

" Sorry just though it would be obvious. I mean, think of any Disney princesses movie for example. All it took was one kiss and then they would skip to the next scene and they would be married or some shit like that."

" Are you seriously comparing Disney princesses to my problem?"

" First of all, yeah. Disney is fucking dope, and second, princess Jasmine is pretty hot."

I roll my eyes " You know Ken if you keep rolling your eyes to much they might get stuck that way forever." He says and I sit my tongue out at him.

" Fuck you."

" I'm alright thanks though."

" Ugh!"

" Love you too!"

" Dylan this still doesn't answer my question!"

" Yes I did! After the kiss scene you're supposed to skip to the next scene where you get married!" I slap his on the head and he yelps.

" That's not what I meant. Stop being so difficult."

" But isn't that what friends are for?"

" No."

" But you do it to me."

" Yeah but when I do it, its funny. When you do it you just seem like a dick."

" Well I do-"

" Shut up!" I say giving him another good slap on the head and Dylan just laughs this time.

Dylan winks at me and I scoff "Ya know if I knew you would give me such a crappy answer I would've just asked someone else."

" Fine." He chuckles then continues "Here's a question: do you like him?"

The realization hit me like a brick and I sat straight up. Do I? This question kept coming back to my mind everyone once and awhile, but I am and was never sure how to answer it. How could I? He's Jayce!

" Maybe?"

Hey everyone!! Thank you for reading! Questions: what's your favorite activity? What do you like to do with your friends?

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