Chapter 2

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Sound of the alarm clock startled Mrs Ibrahim but before she could get up for ablution Mr Ibrahim woke up and performed his ablution and prayers. Mr Ibrahim came to bed, turned his back towards his wife and went back to sleep. Mrs Ibrahim couldn't help but notice that her husband was very silent and trying to ignore her and she knew the reason behind it, things that had been hidden from their children.

Everyone was busy again like the previous day. Today was Anissa's rasm-e-hina, she was wearing green and pink Pashtani kameez and wearing traditional jewellery. The beautician had styled her hair nicely and smoothed out her look with very little makeup. Her cousins and friends were teasing her that Ali would forget to look any where else once he sees Anissa. But despite all this Anissa was still having the same feelings she had the day before. Her father's words had not comforted her much because her fear was far more greater. She had not witnessed a very warm relationship between her parents and that was the reason she was anxious of her own relationship with her husband. Anissa had always seen her mother compromising and agreeing to everything her father said either right or wrong. Her father had cold behaviour towards his mother throughout Anissa's life.
Rasm-e-hina was held in a prestigious wedding banquet. The banquet was decorated with pink and yellow flowers. It was a very vibrant function but Anissa was feeling more down then before. She had been sitting next to Ali and he had not spoken even a single word to her throughout the function. He was sitting silently and somewhat reserved from her but he was happily conversing with people and posing for pictures. He had been somewhat serious and not talkative in the period of their engagement as well.

It increased the fear in Anissa's heart and made her belief stronger that every husband is just like her father had been towards his mother. She was really upset about it and had gone straight to her room after coming late from the event.

"Allah! Why is this happening to me?" Anissa talked to her reflection in the mirror.

That night she cried herself to sleep. But before falling asleep Anissa had made her mind that first thing she would do in the morning would be to talk to her mother, she would discuss Ali's cold behaviour and would ask for her guidance.

On the other hand Mrs. Ibrahim remembered her own wedding day, which had been full of tension, anger and pain.

Again sorry for the mix up of the names.

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