Beck and Call

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Other Friend: What do you think?

Her: Ooo, Yes! That would look so good on you!  You have to try it on.

Friend: Yes, you totally should!

Other Friend: Ok, I'll try this top on as well, I think.


Her: Oh no. Please, no!


Friend: Who is it?

Her: Its Him.

Other Friend: Is he calling again? Didn't you talk to him like when we were in the other store?

Friend: I though you two were on a break.

Her: Well I wanted to have one and he agreed. reluctantly... But he, Won't. Stop. Calling!


Friend: If he's calling it's not a break.

Her: I know.

Other Friend: Don't answer it.

Her: He's just so, panicky! Just let me answer so he'll calm down and we can keep shopping...  Hello?

Him: Hi. Where are you now?

Her: I'm in the "Dress Store" with Friend and Other Friend. 

Him: I want to talk to you about that thing the other day.

Her: Do we really have to talk now?

Him: Well I can't stop thinking about it, and I can't help but feel that you were being selfish in asking for this break.

Her: Can we please talk about it  when I get back to my room? I haven't spent any time with the girls outside of class in ages.

Him: *sigh* Okay.

Her: I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

Him: Bye *click*

Her: Alright where were we? Yeah, you might as well try the top as well.

Friend: It'll be so pretty!


Her: REALLY?!?


Other Friend: Is it Him again?


Her: Yes


Other Friend: You told him you'd talk later, didn't you?


Her: Yeah I did.  Hopefully he'll let it go... *sigh* Oh good it stopped.

Friend: Hey that looks really good on you, Other Friend. Do a twirl?!

Other Friend: I reckon i'll wear this for the graduation banquet.

Her: Yay! It looks so good on you.


Friend: Don't answer it!


Her: Wait. Sorry girls, I'll just tell him to wait til I'm back. He just gets annoyed if it rings out...   Hi Him,

Him: Why didn't you answer before?

Her: We're trying on clothes at the moment.  I was a bit preoccupied.

Him: Well it's not nice, not to pick up and leave me hanging!

Her: I thought we agreed we would talk about it when I got back home?

Him: Yeah. We did. But it's impo-

Her: Well can't we do that? Please? I want to spend some time with the girls.

Him: *frustrated sigh* Fine, I guess they're more important than me then!

Her: I didn't say tha-

Him:  *click*

Her: He hung up... Maybe he won't  call again then...

Friend: Hmm. We'll see.

Her: Hey, I know where we can get a clutch to go with Other Friend's dress.

Other Friend: Really?

Her: Yeah I saw one in the "Bag Shop" on the bottom floor when I went in there the other day.

Other Friend: Let's take a look!

-After meandering down the escalator and getting lost once, maybe twice... It was twice-

Her: Here it is!

Friend: How do we still get lost in this place? We've lived here for like, three years! Haha!

Her: Eh, what does it matter when we have good company.

Other Friend: Haha! Yeah.


Her: I thought I was going to finally get some peace...It's just here in the purple section


Friend: I like how they arrange the stuff by colour


Other Friend: Yeah me too


Her: ... The girls are just looking at me and waiting... Hello?

Him: Why didn't you call back?

Her: You hung up.

Him: Yeah, so?! Didn't you care if I was ok.

Her: Look. You agreed that we would talk when I got home. I promise we will discuss it then. I only had an hour or two to spend with my girlfriends this week and I've spent the entire time talking to you on the phone. I love you. I will be home in 30 mins. That's not long at all. Okay?

Him: Okay fine! I'll talk to you soon... bye

Her: Bye.  
*DEEEEEP SIGH* Oh my gosh! He just doesn't get "We'll talk later".  Last Thursday, he was upset about something and because we couldn't come to an agreement he was happy with, he just kept at it. I didn't get to bed til after 2 am.

Friend: Wait, 2 am?! You were on all early morning clinical placements that week.

Her: Yep...    I was so tired I don't know how I didn't make some huge fatal mistake that day...

Other Friend: Oh sweetie, *Hug* You would have been so tired... *Heavy pause* ... Hey, the bus doesn't come for another 15 mins. Do you wanna stop at The Cafe on the way to the bus stop and we can get brownies?

Her: And a chocolate milkshake?

Friend: Yep sounds good!

Other Friend: Woo! Chocolate therapy for the win!

Her: Haha! Lets go.

A/N: They were such kind and understanding friends. She could not have been without them.
Photo credit: by Pixabay

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