Just before Kaminari could start, a plate slammed down. Y/N turned her head to the source of the sound.

"Come on Bakubro, it wasn't that bad!" Kirishima laughed.

Y/N stared at the spikey blond expectantly. She was waiting for him to threaten Kirishima's life or something like he always iconically did in the show.

"Shut up you red headed fuckface!" Bakugou seethed.

Y/N chuckled to herself before turning to Kaminari so he could speak.

"Ready? Because this one is gonna really sweep you off of your feet!" Kaminari boasted.

The new girl just nodded her head biting back a smile.

"Hey, tie your shoes!" He started.

The H/C laughed. "Why?" She edged on.

"Because I don't want you falling for anyone else." Kaminari said lowly, staring directly in her E/C eyes.

Y/N snorted, her face turning slightly pink.

"Oi dunce face, quit pestering the new girl! She's just going to reject you like everyone else stupid ass." The explosive boy spoke up.

Kaminari frowned slightly, he was clearly hurt by what Bakugou said, but he quickly tried to cover it up by laughing.

Y/N of course saw the action and it made her heart sink.

Bakugou was one of her favorite characters in the show because she knew how much he'd grow and how he meant well in the end. She even loved reading fanfics about him because they were always so interesting and he never failed to make her laugh. But, being right here when it was actually happening, made her heart hurt.

"Actually," She spoke up, her mouth moving before her brain could process what was going on. "Would you like my number Kaminari?"

'What are you doing??! Why do you always say shit without thinking, you're such a rat. But honestly, stick it to the man—well to the Bakubitch.'

"I-what?" The boy looked at her like she was crazy. Never in his life had he thought someone would actually respond positively to his failed attempts at flirting. This had to be some sick joke, and he was not having any of it.

Y/N noticed his uncertainty and the quietness of the table. Everyone being slightly off put from her random actions.

Y/N put her hand out, making a grabby motion with it.

Kaminari slowly took out his phone and handed it to her. She quickly put her number in, texting herself. You could hear her phone chime, as she went to hers to save his number. She handed him his phone back before turning to her food.

Kaminari's face held a deep red hue as he looked back at his phone dumbfounded.

"Why'd you—"

"That was so manly!"

"First Iida, now this—" Mina loudly stated laughing.

"What about that class nerd?" Bakugou asked loudly.

"Well earlier today, Iida was standing too close to Y/N and when he went to apologize she called him hot!" Jiro exclaimed.

Y/N turned scarlet and went to strangle the girl sitting next to her. "I did not! I called him handsome you Iphone Jack!"

Jiro laughed loudly as Mina attempted to hold Y/N back from strangling the poor girl.

"You think that nerd is hot?" Bakugou scowled.

Wallflower ( BNHA x fem!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now