I held my head back and closed my eyes. Dallas was quiet next to me until, "I'm sorry, this was my idea. I didn't know this ride was broken."

 I pick my head up and look at him, "What? Why are you saying sorry? You couldn't have known. Don't trip about it. Just hopefully, the ride'll be fixed before I get too hungry." I frown at the thought of my empty stomach.
"What, you'll turn cannibal?" Dallas quirked an eyebrow.

 "Ew no. I might just jump off and commit food deprevation suicide." I answer.

 "Uh, if you jump off a ride with me in it as well, then it'll look like I murdered you and pushed you off." Dallas argued. 

 "Then that'd be your problem then, wouldn't it?" I shrug.

 Dallas pouted slightly, "You're mean."

 I laughed, "I'm just kidding. I- I don't even know what we talking 'bout right now." I shake my head. Dallas shrugged a shoulder,

 "Heck, we're gonna have to do alot of talking. You said it yourself, looks like we're gonna be here awhile." He says, shaking his head slowly.

 "My parents are gonna kill me.." I mutter.

 Dallas sat up in his seat and faced me, "Well, before you inevitably die by the hands of your birthers, i'd like to get to know you better." He says. 

 I looked at him now. He completely faced me. Behind him, as if it was planned, was the moon. A large, white, bright light that shined along with the stars that glistened. The cool breeze made everything better. "What would you possibly want to know?" I doubted.

 "What's your favorite color?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. A sly grin formed at his mouth as I quirked an eyebrow with skeptism,

 "Oh I guess we're doing that. Well then um....yellow." I answer.

 "Gee big ears, it took you three days to answer." Dallas rolled his eyes. "I've never been asked that before, eyebrows." I tease.

 "You've never been asked for your favorite color before?" Dallas blinked at me with curiosity blatant in his brown orbs. 
I sat back in my seat, "Well..maybe once a long time ago. But I wouldn't remember so, I don't give it much thought."

 Dallas furrowed his brows, "Aren't you like an artist or something? Don't they usually have a freaky obsession with weird colors?"

 I laugh, "No, not me. Well- I do have a preference when painting certain things but, an overall favorite? And being a general favorite, too?" I sucked in air through my teeth and shook my head slowly.

 "Oh yeah tell me about that too, your art thing." Dallas rest his jaw in the palm of his hand, making his lips pout. 

 "Um, I guess I...y'know started art when I was 6. As a little kid, um, I didn't really go outside much like the rest of my family. So..that allowed me to discover drawing. And...I kept doing it. Cause I was really good at it." I answer.

 Dallas peaked interest and pointed, "Are you always usually this awkward?" 

 My eyes widened, "What?"

 "Cause you took forever to answer. Plus you said you didn't go outside alot. I mean, I could've told you that." Dallas cringed. I frowned,

 "Well excuse me for answering your question. And by the way, i'm not awkward." I argue.

 "Please, you're still like that to this day. Taking every morning to go to your beloved art room. I bet middle school me had a more exciting childhood than high school you. Sorry, but it's the truth." Dallas looked away with a smirk.

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