Accidents Happen | Shouto Todoroki {REQUESTED}

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I've decided I was going to stick to what I stupidly said and post every day this week. I know it's technically a new day when I'm posting this, but it's also technically within the same 24 hours since I posted the last part, so I'm counting it as a win. The ending is WHACK, but what's new? This is for FionaHiggins. I hope I did your request justice and you enjoy this. I actually decided to proofread this one after I posted it. There were only 2 errors (at least ones that I found).

(Female Reader)


You were usually the type of person to carefully pick and choose your battles. You knew your limits and what you could and couldn't do and made sure things would always turn out favorably. So, when you challenged Shouto to a friendly spar during class, the actions that followed were entirely your fault.

You'd never actually battled Shouto before--mainly because of him always seeming to find a way to avoid them--and you were eager to see what the "strongest" in the class could do. In your mind, your quirk should overpower his own no matter which side he used. Using your water, you could douse his flames and theoretically create a path of water for his ice to follow, redirecting his attacks.

That was what you'd thought at first. Actually battling the usually apathetic boy was a completely different story.

Things had been going in your favor in the beginning. You'd been able to redirect his ice, for the most part, making sure the match didn't end too quickly with a large scale attack, and the flames he produced were easily put out, creating steam in their wake. The moment you thought you had the match in the bag was the moment things took a turn for the worst.

He shot another burst of flames in your direction, but it was larger than all the rest before it had been. Wide-eyed, you gathered some of the water from the atmosphere along with some from the ice he'd melted and put it up in front of you as a defensive wall. The steam that followed blocked everything from sight, leaving you slightly disoriented. It only took a moment for you to get a hold of yourself and decide to use that steam as a cover to launch a surprise attack.

What you didn't expect was for Shouto to send out a blast of raging flames directly towards the steam you were hiding in. While it served as a way to block you from sight, it also restricted you own. You noticed the heat before you saw the light the flames gave off. Condensing the steam into as much water as you could, you tried to block the attack as best as you could, but you were just a second too late.

First came the heat, followed shortly by a scorching pain on your right cheek. You couldn't hold back a scream even if you'd tried. You knew his flames were hot, but this was a different level from what you were expecting. You would have liked to say that you weren't crying, but that would have been a bald-faced lie. Instinctively, you gathered the steam that had been caused by your defense in your palm and cradled it to your cheek, revealing Shouto's horrified face staring back at you.

You knew he didn't mean it. Hell, the boy had told you his whole backstory about why he didn't like using his flames not even a couple of months ago when the two of you got close enough to share more personal information with each other. Even though the burn that you could feel going from your cheek to the top of your neck pulsed with a pain that demanded attention, you couldn't find it in yourself to be upset with him. How could you when he was staring at you like a kicked puppy and was spewing apology after apology? If anything, you were upset with yourself. Of course, you'd go and get yourself hurt, making him relive some of his past trauma, no doubt. Go you.

Despite the tears rolling down your cheeks and the exhaustion you felt from the extensive use of your quirk, you forced yourself to smile at him. "I-it's okay Shouto. I-I'm fine. Recovery girl will heal me up no problem, so don't worry about it, okay?!" Your words, which had been meant to cheer him up, seemed to have the opposite effect. His face fell even further, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the spot you were attempting to cover with cool water. The boy looked like he was going to cry, which made you feel even worse about yourself.

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