Closing Time

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Can I just tell you, I have read through this issue a few times now, and it's definitely a top contender for my favorite TK, yet. The Spunky Heroine subgenre lends itself to so many other subgenres of scifi that it's not only beautiful in its subject matter, but in its versatility as well. I hope you got a glimpse of that amongst the reviews, stories, articles, and more in this month's issue. I hope you laughed, had to think, maybe even scratch your head a few times; most of all, though, I hope you enjoyed these authors' hard work in a way that it made you grow a little bit--either as an author, or a human being all together. 

If you look down through the names of contributors this month, you will see that they are all somewhat familiar. Thank you @AngusEcrivain, @sigrist, @MadMikeMarsburgen and @elveloy for your contirbutions and your dedication to TK. I really do beieve I am in the majority opinion when I say that you are all supremely talented. We are fortunate to have you grace our pages so often. 

Next up, of course, is our largely anticipated and long-time-coming, tenth issue of Tevun Krus. In case you've somehow missed it, we are including TWO stories from each of the last nine subgenres featured in TK this year. All entries are due October 29th, and if you think you might want to play a part, there are still a few more spots available. Check out the entry right before this one to read all about it. 

From there, TK will be taking a break until 2015. But what a way to send out its first year, right? If you would ever like to play a part in TK--no matter how big or how small, know you're just the click of a button away. Shoot us a message here at @ForbiddenPlanet, or check out our many threads in the clubs. Thanks again, troopers. You're great, and this literally could not be done without you. 

Happy reading, 

SP Parish

Tevun-Krus #9 - Spunky Heroine SFWhere stories live. Discover now