Only Time Will Tell

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"Sometimes I wonder." Kamille sighed "Plus you did get the bike you wanted." she stared at him.

Kevin made a face, "No I didn't, I think I would remember getting my favorite bike!" he exclaimed and Evette rolled her eyes at his tantrum.

"First of all how can it be your favorite when it was never actually yours?" Kami asked holding her hand out. " And Mommy did get it for you, It was a red BMX bike with the pegs on the back just like you wanted," she stated matter of fact.

Kevin's eyes widened before realization dawned on him, "I told you to stop reading my journal! You saw that on my Christmas list." he was upset thinking back to how twelve years old him would feel about such betrayal.

Kamille crossed her legs, "Pipe down cry baby, I didn't read your stupid diary, that time." She looked at him throwing death glares back at her. "I was with mommy when she bought it," she informed.

It still didn't make sense to Kevin, " So if she bought it for me why didn't I get it?" he asked smartly.

Kamille glanced at Eve who was listening intently to their story and humped up her shoulders at Kevin,  "I watched mommy put it under the tree with my gift but daddy came home that night..." she trailed off giving Kevin a look.

Kevin looked away knowing exactly what it means. "He took my bike and sold it for drugs." He concurred.

Kamille didn't look at Eve, she didn't want to see the judgment on her face. Little did she know their lives weren't that different. There was no judgment, only understanding.

That made Kevin upset, He looked at Avery; "See that's what I'm talking about, he giveth and he taketh away." he smacked his hands together in a 'finished' gesture.

Evette sighed dramatically.

Kevin shook his head, "I'm right and you know it."

Eve started to open her mouth but Kamille spoke first, "Kev do you remember hearing about that little boy who was riding his bike the next summer, in our neighborhood, and got killed by a stray bullet?" she stared off into the distance.

Kevin thought back but didn't say anything.

"I don't think he takes things away Kevin, I think he protects you when he realizes the future of the choices you make. See his thinking is far above our own. I think he protected Avery after the choices that we made.." she paused looking at the door seeing that Troy had just entered, " And I have to believe that in a way he protected me too when my baby died." her eyes were watery as she looked away from Troy who looked like a deer caught in headlights and locked eyes with her brother. "I have to Trust in that Bubby, I have nothing else to go on. So believe that Avery will wake up, and stop complaining. As Eve said, she may not be in the best condition, but she's here." She wiped her eyes sitting up out of the chair and excusing herself from the room.

Troy grabbed her arm gently, "You good?" she shook him off and just nodded her head.  His eyes lingered behind her. Eve took notice.

Everyone watched as she departed, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

Kevin looked at Eve, then to Avery, then back to Eve.

"What?" Evette said wondering what his problem was.

"Did she just use my crack-head dad as an analogy for Avery being in a coma?" He asked flabbergasted.

Evette sighed, squinting her eyes "There's really no hope for you is there?"

Troy could only shake his head, he didn't know why Eve tried understanding the science of Kevin, he had been given up on that.

"Hey Eve that connect you had with the researcher came back. Apparently, it was Samuel Lopez that sent the text." He confirmed.

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