Meet and Greet

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Eve was sitting at the kitchen table drinking green tea and reading emails on her tablet. Tracy, her boss, had just sent her a reminder of an appointment she had today with a big-time executive. She had a four o'clock with a man by the name of Troy Alexander, Mr.Alexander was the CEO of a big-time law firm here in Los Angeles.

Rumour had it that he was also a big-time ho bag, but Eve just sipped her tea on that one. It was Eve's job to get the down-low on all the dirt that went on behind closed doors at A & R Law firm and expose LA's biggest hero for what he was, whatever that may be. Some guy called in tipping them off that there was something worth covering inside the building, and from the info, she was given from Tracy, which wasn't much at all, was that this guy was a reliable source and knew Troy closely. Mr. Alexander, of course, thought that he was being interviewed because of all his hard work. Eve scoffed, since when did a Gossip magazine do generous interviews? This one was missing a few screws.

Scooting her chair in Eve sat her mug in the sink and walked back over to the table picking her tablet up, she stared down at the picture that was sent as an attachment. Troy Alexander was handsome, she had to give him that, but whatever it is he's hiding, has no chance when it comes to Evette Jameson, she was the best for a reason; and good looks couldn't even get him out of that.

Eve left her tablet on the table and grabbed her coat from the chair getting ready to head out of the door, Gramps sat by watching her as he lazily licked on his paws and she blew him a kiss walking out of the door.

Pulling up to the restaurant, Eve allowed the valet to park her car as she stepped out in style. Gold Christian Louboutin's laced her feet, and a white pee coat hugged her curves. Her hair fell in luscious curls against her shoulder and honey her make up was beat. So okay, this was a business meeting, but Eve never half-assed anything, especially when she was going out to lunch with a good looking man.

Soft jazz music played throughout the elegant restaurant, as Eve's heels clicked against the marble floor. Bright chandeliers hang from the high ceilings that were designed with intricate African paintings. Eli's was one of Eve's favorite spot's its why she picked it for their meeting. "Right this way Ms. Jameson." She followed the waiter to a closed-off area toward the side of the restaurant, it wasn't VIP, just more of a comfortable, quiet setting made exactly for business meetings and such.

"Thank you ..Tony," Eve said reading the waiter's name tag as she took her seat. He smiled "No problem at all, can I get you anything while you wait on your guest to arrive ?" Knowing it would probably seem unprofessional to drink at a business meeting, but not really giving a damn, Eve ordered her self a glass of wine, hell she needed it after the week she had. " You know what Tony, bring me some of those cheese bites too." Hey, a girl had to eat, besides Mr. Alexander didn't look like he would be arriving anytime soon, he was running at least fifteen minutes late. Granted she just got there herself but that wasn't the point. A woman was always fashionably late, what was his excuse? probably banging some broad. She thought to herself laughing slightly.

Tony didn't give her any strange looks for her mental episode he just excused himself going to place her order. She wasn't the worst he had seen working at a place like this, rich people were some of the craziest.

Across town Troy was stuck in LA traffic, got damn-it he didn't want to miss this meeting, he needed the publicity for his firm. He had no idea why such a popular magazine like Talk It Out would take a sudden interest in him personally, but being that he was not only the youngest but also one of the only black Lawyers with his own firm in the city he wouldn't turn an opportunity like this down. Law school was no piece of cake, he sacrificed his social life for his career, he built his firm from the ground up and worked hard for everything he had. Nothing was given to him. An opportunity like this was once in a lifetime. Checking the time After switching lanes Troy thought quick, who could he call to hold this lady off until he got there... Riley. "Siri call Kevin Riley," Troy spoke into his car Bluetooth.

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