Chapter: 13

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Hey, guys this is quite an intense chapter so read carefully and enjoy:

Roger POV:

Hey, baby I know you're mad at me. I hurt you I am sorry please have a bite if you will not eat then I will also not eat, I said holding a bowl of pasta.

While talking with my love my Alice. when someone interrupts our beautiful moment actually I was not directly talking to her it was her pictures.

Yeah, you heard it right I have a room whose walls are filled with my baby my Alice pictures. not only pictures there are some things that belong to her.

Such as her coffee cup from which she drank coffee on our first day of college, her bracelet which she must have dropped by mistake. I found it and keep it with me.

All her belongings and pictures make me feel that she is here with me and my feelings get stronger that she is mine and one day she will be here.

We will be living in the same house and no one will or can separate her, from me because Roger Michael hate sharing what is his.

Again the sound of screaming disturbed my conversation. "Baby I will be right back, don't miss me much I said leaving the room but not without kissing her."
A/N: Her picture.

I took my way to the room from where the annoying sound of screaming is coming. I unlocked the room and there sits the bastard tired on the chair who tried to harass Alice.

Yeah, you are thinking right he is the guy who troubles my girl. The guy from McDonald's he tried to take her innocence away.

So how could I have left him without giving him the punishment he deserves.

After beating the shit of him that day. I was still not satisfied so, I called my bodyguards to take this bastard to my other mansion, perk of being a rich kid.

My men took him in this mansion. so, that I could punish him and my pain in ass dad couldn't get to know about it. my bodyguards are loyal to me.

Otherwise, I would have to listen to a one hour lecture from my dad. such as "Roger when will you grow up, why you have to do things that can destroy my reputation which I have built through my sweat and so much hard work" and blah....blah.....

"Hey, bastard enjoying your treatment I hope my boys are giving you good dose which you deserve" I said angrily.

"Please, leave me I am sorry, forgive me I will never repeat my mistake, I will stay away from your girl" he pleaded.

Blood was dripping from his nose. Nah, I am still not satisfied "I...... shh, I didn't let him finish.

"Forgive you really you assh*le lay your shitty hands on my girl tried to take her innocence away, you almost raped her.She was also crying, begging you to leave her but you didn't leave her did you stop no you didn't" I yelled.

Even thinking about that incident makes my blood boiled and I did the thing which I should have done the moment I capture this bastard, I slide the knife on his throat.

"Enjoy in hell bastard," I said. I call Peter my trusted bodyguard."Yes, sir" Peter clean this place no evidence should be left and buried his body so no one could find it, he nodded.

Damn, I have to clean myself there were blood strains of that bastard blood on my shirt his dirty blood.

Alice, look your love has made me a murder. don't worry I don't regret killing him, in fact, I am capable of killing any person who will try to separate us or try to take you away from me because you are mine.

My thoughts were interrupted by an annoying phone call the caller was my old man.

I answered the call "Yes, old man", "Roger what you did this time, the cops have come here, a girl has filed a case of kidnapping against you, they came here to arrest you, thank God you weren't here, why can't you let me live my life peacefully," he barked.

"What is the girl name" I asked, I already know what his answer will be but I wanted to confirm it.

"Alice Watson" as soon as I heard her name I threw my phone in anger. No baby you shouldn't have gone too far, a wrong move I will make you regret your actions.

Hey guys, this is the first time I wrote Roger POV hope you enjoy it.

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