Chapter 5: Aquamarine

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Minions, who do not usually have whole aquamarines, submit themselves to heroes for survival. They are often used to spy other heroes, gather resources for their master, or guard their properties. But without aquamarines, they do most of the dying. Some die due to old age. But most become casualties of war.

There are also those extraordinary minions who happened to develop aquamarine fragments, but unfortunately, never evolved into a whole one.

One thing I also do not understand is the rampant absorption of aquamarines. A hero may kill another hero, and if he succeeds, he gets the aquamarine of the losing one, making him more powerful than others. Some even traded aquamarines in the Truncheon Market, sold at the most expensive price. Surely, there is no other price higher than life, as aquamarines are remnants of fallen heroes.

But these precious gems remain mysterious. Even in the Magic Academy which was now destroyed by Helcurt, no book, nor Master of Magic can totally explain the full capabalities of these aquamarines.

"I have them," Vale answered, showing the blue aquamarine of Cyclops, and the lilac aquamarine of Moskov.

"What are you planning to do with it?" I asked even further.

"Take it. And absorb it."


"Why not? If I will not absorb it, maybe Helcurt will."

He is right. It is better that Vale took it than Helcurt.

"And by the way, why are you looking for me?" inquired Vale.

"Because Valir is dead," I quickly answered. "I was at the magical forest when fragments of smoke and fire dusts landed my arms. I touched it and casted Key Insight to see visions of those fragments. I found out it was Valir's and then I saw how Helcurt brutally killed him that very moment."

It took some time before those words sank in him. Vale now fixed his troubled eyes on me. It was turning whitish gold again, coupled with gusts of threatening winds now revolving around him.

An aura of anger, exasperation, hatred and regrets dominated the chamber. He was now breathing deeply and seemed to not contain it, but Rafaela gestured a healing touch that calm him instantly.

"Your Key Insight, can you cast it in here?" Vale requested, handing over a gold earring with a diamond-shaped hole. "This is one of Valir's earring. He gave it to me before he decided going to Land of Dawn. Maybe you can see the details of him in the Land prior to his death."

I pondered for a moment. So Vale knew that Valir was there? And why did he let him?

"I am not sure if this will work. My Key Insight can only see events that happened to things as I touch or see them. If this was given to you the night before he went to Land of Dawn, I certainly cannot see his trail inside the Land."

"But his earrings work as a pair. It was forged with magnetic concentrated enegy to help him control his bursting Arcane Flame while not in battle. He wore it all the time. And if he has the other one, maybe you can locate it, and see him as well," insisted Vale.

"Alright. I'll try it then," I said, as I took the earring.

I was now touching it and started to see visions connected with the earring. At first I saw Valir entering the Wind Palace. Later on, Vale came and the two began conversing with each other.

"Forgive me, Brother. It was never my intention. It just happened," Valir said.

"Not your intention? I'm no fool Valir!" Vale, upset.

"I am Fire and she is Water. There can be no compatibility between us. But... But I made a mistake."

"Damn your mistake Valir!" Vale, as he released a sharp, windblade that made a thin cut right across Valir's cheek, oozing a droplet of blood. "I trusted you. I treated you as brother my whole life. Is this how you repay me? Stealing the woman I love?!"

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