Chapter 16: Kill Steal

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Pharsa, with her strong wings, made sure to maintain a safe distance against her melee opponent. She took advantage of her ranged, magical attacks. On the other hand, Khaleed, supported by his floating sand, tirelessly kept on evading. Both were in the open sky.

Pharsa's first skill, Curse of Crow, dodged

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Pharsa's first skill, Curse of Crow, dodged.

Second skill, Energy Impact, evaded.

The first was supposedly the magical attack that would mark Khaleed and would unavoidably stun him, should any of her skills hit him the second time. The second, which was the energy that would deal a high burst of damage to anyone caught in its path, was yet again, avoided by Khaleed.

For thirty minutes, it had always been like this. However, for the audience, it was obvious that Khaleed's just toying with Pharsa. With his arms crossed, it seemed that he's just showing off his resilient defense.

"There is only one word to describe all your attacks, Pharsa. And that word is - useless."

Pharsa hated it, but it's the truth and she must agree with her opponent. Afterall, she's not a stupid mage. She knew that at this rate, in terms of agility and flexibility, a remarkable difference existed between them. She knew she's just wasting her mana by throwing predictable magical spells. This comes with the realization that her Ultimate, no matter how monstrous and gigantic, wouldn't easily hit the fast Khaleed either.

 This comes with the realization that her Ultimate, no matter how monstrous and gigantic, wouldn't easily hit the fast Khaleed either

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Suddenly, the settled sands in the combat zone started rising.  The act created loud, buzzing noise, making the battlefield foggy again. But this was more ferocious than the first. Minions and Super Minions underneath were terrified. Another round of sandstorm would mean another round of struggle to withstand it. Anxious and agitated, they started running and screaming. On the other hand, Leomord's squad were quick to leave the ground.

Then Pharsa noticed the prompt blink made by Khaleed. An appreciable distance now existed between him and Pharsa.

"What do you call that move, Khaleed? Did you just wasted your 'Flicker'  in front of me? Or maybe, you flickered because it was necessary to cast your Ultimate, am I right?" Pharsa, referring to the restless sands below them.

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