Chapter 5: Aquamarine

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The pillars inside his chamber were painted with brilliant white. It had a dome ceiling with careful touch of patterned caramel and gold colors.

From the Wind Palace's tall and high windows, the dark-inked sky enclosing the floating Land of Dawn is still visible. The darkness remained contagious. All the villages, waters, temples,  forests, mountains and valleys below the floating Land had also shared the curse of this darkness.

Lying beside me was Aldous who was still recovering from the fatal encounter.

"The tip of the spear has a poison formulated by Vexana, making him paralyzed," said Rafaela. "I have removed it. But for faster recovery, he needs rest."

"What a relief," I said.

Vale, after having a deep look at the window, slowly walked towards me.

"Vale. How did you know we're heading here?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for someone to come when I saw a strange light coming from the Minoan Mountains," answered Vale. "Aldous' Ultimate. It has a weakness. When he casted it, he became visible to the entire Land," he continued.

"Is that the reason why Cyclops and Moskov went after us?"

"Yes. And not only them. All heroes possessing aquamarines now know that Aldous is heading towards Wind Valley, putting both of us at risk. Surely, Helcurt must have known that Cyclops and Moskov are now dead."

I didn't say a word. Regrets now wrapped my conscience. If only I knew, we should have not used his Ultimate.

"How about their aquamarines? They died, right?" I asked Vale with curiosity.

It has been a natural law that aquamarines merge with heroes' bodies and souls

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It has been a natural law that aquamarines merge with heroes' bodies and souls. And when heroes possessing these aquamarines die, these crystal-like objects abandon the host body and float, just like Valir's aquamarine.

By default, all creatures in this world are born without aquamarines yet, as these crystal-like stones only develop once a creature discovers or unlocks his Ultimate, the peak of his skill. Once he found out his Ultimate, his aquamarine becomes whole, and he is called a hero. That explains why there are old and new heroes. Old heroes are those that have unlocked their Ultimate way before the others. And new ones? The opposite.

There is also no fixed time as to what age one must develop his aquamarine. And the more exciting part? Once you unlock your Ultimate and fully develop your aquamarine, you stop growing. Time, then, has no effect on you until you die. I unlocked my Ultimate at age fifteen, so I stay young, until now. Some discover their Ultimate at an older age, and remained at that age for the rest of their lives. Unless you are killed, you will stay in this world forever.

It seems to be unfair though. Aquamarines have become the measure of power in this world. The thing is, those with aquamarines enslave those without.

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