All Y/N had to do now was to find out what her quirk was and how the hell to use it.

She prayed it wasn't any weird strong quirk because she didn't want to be OP. OP's always end up in some shit and Y/N did not want that.

So Y/N did the only thing she could do, ask her mom.

As she placed her plate in the sink, she turned to her mom.

"Hey mom, what's your quirk again? I can't remember the name of it." Y/N asked pretending to be truly stumped.

Khaleesi rolled her eyes at her daughters stupidity. "How the hell can you forget when we have the same quirk?" She laughed.

Y/N shrugged her shoulders before silently urging her mom to go on.

"Chloroform." Her mom answered plainly before urging the girl to stop bothering her and to go pack for school.

Y/N rolled her eyes before walking off. "I'm not packing now, I have two weeks" she mumbled to herself.

'Well, at least Chloroform isn't OP.' She thought closing her room door.

Two weeks had gone by quick as hell. Y/N found herself scrambling around her room trying to pack as much as she could. She was throwing stuff into suitcases and boxes randomly. She probably should've listened to her mom and started packing two weeks ago, but it's way too late to start regretting that now.

It was Saturday and she is supposed to be moving to the dorms tomorrow. She was only halfway done with packing and it was already after 10pm. She was stressed but she knew she had to get this done.

In the past couple of weeks, instead of packing, Y/N has been slowly finding stuff out about her past. Apparently, she went to the No. 4 hero school in America. Her dad said she trained her ass off to get into it, not even trying to aim for the No. 1 school because she was too lazy to put in even more effort. Which, sounded just like Y/N.

Y/N also found out that she got into UA because her dad practically owns the hospital here in Musutafu. He said he had to go through months of pulling strings and proving that Y/N was good enough to get in on recommendation. Not a lot of people got in second year like that but because she was a transfer, and her dad, she somehow magically got in.

There was also the fact that somehow in this world, her friends were here too. Although she hadn't known them as long as she thought she had. But that was a minor detail. Her parents also made her stop talking to them because of the whole drowning incident.

Y/N was honestly okay with it but she felt bad, so she texted them once in a while telling them what was up. They understood, so it was all fine in the end.

Now, Y/N was practically shitting herself because she was going to meet the mains of Boku No Hero Academia. She was in class 2-A so she was really fucking shook.

Don't get her wrong, she was still excited to fuck shit up, but this is still a scary process.

Y/N had also been practicing with her quirk this past couple weeks. All she's really managed to do was sort of get it under control.

After an incident where her little brother Mason pulled a prank on her, scaring the life out of her, she accidentally knocked him out. It was evident that her quirk was attached to her emotions. When she got scared, her body would activate her quirk unknowingly causing chloroform to emit from all points of her body. It could knock out anyone within a 10 mile radius if she wasn't careful.

Y/N was so deep into her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed that she finished packing. Once she realized there was nothing left to pack, she sat on her floor and sighed.

It's been a long fucking day.


A/N YAYYY DOUBLE UPDATE!! ALSO PLS READ IF YOU WANNA CLEAR THINGS UPP!! IK ITS LONG BUT PLS. Sooo this chapter clears everything up for you guys. I wanted to try my best and make kind of a brief understanding of how you ended up 16 and in BNHA. Basically, I'm going with the accidentally ending up in another universe bit. So when the reader was drowning, so was another version of her in another universe. Somehow, because it was happening at the same time, the reader ended up in this new universe.

Her quirk is called Chloroform. She can emit a chloroform substance from her body, she can either exhale it out or it can just radiate from her sweat glands. It's not really OP, unless she finds herself in a situation where she can't control it and she knocks everyone out within a 10 mile radius. Her quirk can kill, if she emits it for too long it will suffocate someone lol. But if she turns her quirk off it'll just knock the person out.

Her mom has the same quirk, her dad is quirkless but he's a doctor so he's still cool in my opinion. Her other brother Aiden has the same quirk as her, while Mason has a vine quirk which he got from his grandpa.

Also the reason why her mom was shocked about hero's in the previous chapter was bc where they lived in America, there weren't that many hero sightings out in the open. Even though you went to the No. 4 hero school, all the hero's that taught there were underground hero's so its not like your mom knew of them. Sorry this is so long btw.

Next chapter will introduce everyone HEHEH

Hope that clears things up!! Thanks for reading! ILY :D

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