Y/N was so confused. Of all years, she had to be 16? It wasn't the worse year of her life, but it wasn't the best.

A knocking sounded from her room door, breaking her out of her weirded out state.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Her mom shouted from the other side of the door before deciding to invite herself in.

Y/N stumbled out of her bathroom to greet her mother.

"Mom am I dead?!" The wide eyed girl blurted out.

Y/N's mom stared at her like she was crazy for what seemed like 10 minutes—but we all know Y/N is dramatic so it was only about 15 seconds.

"Are you stupid?" Her mother—Khaleesi— finally responded before going up to place a hand on her weird daughters head. Khaleesi sighed upon realizing her daughter didn't have a fever.

"Is this about last night?" Khaleesi asked, slightly concerned for her daughters mental state.

"Last night?" Y/N whispered confused before realizing she had to be talking about the drowning. "You know about that?" Y/N finally questioned.

Khaleesi looked at her daughter like she was stupid. "I'm your mother! Of course I know!" she responded in a huff before rolling her eyes at the girls stupidity.

"Well excuse me, I almost DIED! Sorry if I'm confused as hell. One moment I'm on the beach, minding my business, drowning—you know the usual. Next, I'm waking up in my bed!" Y/N ranted. 'And I'm 16? The fuck?' She mentally added.

Khaleesi sighed before motioning for her daughter to sit down. "Do you want me to tell you what happened?" She asked softly. To be honest, she didn't want to remind herself of the fact that she almost lost her child. But it was only fair to tell Y/N what happened so she wouldn't be as confused.

Y/N sat down on her bed, nodding her head slowly.

"Well, you went out with a few friends last night and you guys ended up at the beach—"

"Yeah I know that part, I just can't remember what happened after I blacked out." Y/N interjected.

Her mom rolled her eyes before continuing.

"So this hero guy, I forgot his name, swoops in and pulls you out from the water. He was so cool! I knew moving here we'd have to get used to all the hero's and stuff, but I honestly wasn't expecting one to have to save you." Khaleesi swallowed hard, remembering how fast she had run to that beach to see her daughter. The memory fairly new and fresh, so it was still easy for her to picture.

"When I got there, you were awake in the back of the ambulance. Your friends had all been sent home after the police spoke to them to get an understanding of how this happened. You wouldn't speak to anyone, you were so scared." She continued.

Y/N noticed how scared her mom must've been. She mentally scolded herself for doing that to her mom. Y/N abruptly stood up, throwing herself on her mom.

"I'm so sorry." Y/N whispered. "I'll never do that again, I promise."

Khaleesi hugged her daughter tightly. She wanted to smack upside the head for making her worry so much, but she'd settle for a hug.

Y/N let go, plopping down on her bed again.

That's when it hit her.

"Wait a minute.. a hero??!" She screamed.

"Will you stop screaming?!" Her mother screamed back at her.

Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother hypocrisy. The young girl mumbled out a sorry.

"A hero?" She asked again more calmly.

"Yes, a hero? His name was—" Khaleesi paused for a second, trying her best to remember the guys name. "All Right!" She concluded, seemingly happy with whatever she came up with.

"So what's his name?" Y/N asked after waiting for her mother to say his name.

Khaleesi blinked at her daughter, confused. "That was his name." She added matter of factly.

"His name.." Y/N paused, clearly not believing her mother. "His name was All Right?" She asked dumbfounded.

Khaleesi groaned. "Yes, his name was definitely All Right."

Y/N scrunched up her nose. "Who the hell is All Right?" She questioned rhetorically. 'Wait a fucking minute..'

"You mean All Might?!" Y/N screeched before her mother could answer her stupid question. "ALL MIGHT SAVED ME?? How the hell could All Might save me?! He's not even real!"



A/N OIOIOIIII I finished another chapter. I'm so sorry if this one sucked, it's kind of a filler -ish to get reader-chan to understand what the hell is going on. It's slightly confusing, but I will clear it up in the next chapter. I do kind of apologize for all of the cursing, but I did warn the lot of you about it in the description lol. Uhh, yes her mom's name is Khaleesi, GOT reference of course. I would've put it as M/N (moms name) but I didn't wanna write that because that would get annoying so I named her. I'm really sorry if you don't like the name, her mom isn't really a main character so it should be all fine heh.

Thanks for reading! ILY!!
~Author-chan :D

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