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She couldn't make it without him. No, well, she could. She just rather not. She did before when all the stories her mother's family told came true and she became something else -- she had to. If she hadn't taught herself to control or least stop up what's inside of her she would've been caught. But she was caught anyways and everybody paid for it. They both feel like they're dead already til they make each other want to live. Both the dark and the bright times, everything's better with him.

                                                     Taveeta Szymanowicz as Hawwa Markowska



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                                                              Tahirah Sharif as Hawwa Markowska

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                                                              Tahirah Sharif as Hawwa Markowska

A LITTLE EXTRA : Credit goes @mrslittleorange on Tumblr for the GIF of Zack Schor and HauntingofBlyManor on Tenor for the Tahirah ones

                                   So Hawwa can be a mutant or a inhuman and if you're inspired to write some origins story of course she can get her powers some other way -- and as for her powers they're kinda lunar based y3ni if out of control she can cause droughts or flood the earth or manipulate water content like bloods in the body also she can manipulate eclipses and eclipses can manipulate her she can induce insomnia or uncontrollable madness or truth which some see as a curse she puts on them and as her powers evolve she learns a type of electrokinesis and how to induce euphoria when she eclipses the sun -- but also this is just what I came up with if you're feeling some other ability/mutation feel free!

                                   And since her and Magneto are breaking themselves out and trying to break others out like it's Defiance this might get a little AU make it as AU as you want!!

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