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                                                                         Zoe Renee as Rana Naceri

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                                                                         Zoe Renee as Rana Naceri


                                                                       May Elghety as Rana Naceri

She's set for life on babysitting with one of her best friends, Yasmin, getting pregnant in middle school and her other best friend, Naomi, giving birth during their senior year. She loves them and their babies more than anything, but she made a pact with herself a long time ago to wait to have sex and to never get hooked on anything. But now she's a 20 year old hooked on finding herself some very personal time whenever her roommate's out and she's not busy trying to keep her full-ride. She loves living vicariously through her heroes, Yasmin and Naomi, but she's trying to get a real full-ride. So when they all get sugared in her cousin's basement, evenly split up their packs of condoms and download Tinder, she's ready to get with anybody cute -- preferably in a dark room -- and get this over with so she can just live free of that stigma. But it's been 30 min since she met him and this boy's still asking her questions about her romantic and sexual history like she's trying to trap him

A LITTLE EXTRA : Still haven't found a plot to title Old Town Hoe but shout out to Bird Box and my fellow slurpers

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