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She's going in the wrong direction. It's the second day on the road with this pasty, corn-fed boy, and she feels her purpose that she's defined herself by her whole life -- that she's used to justify making the hard decisions so she can sleep at night -- slipping away as they drive even further away. After fucking up her last chance to have and be something good, she ditched any semblance of family she had left and threw everything into wiping these assholes off the map. In New York, finding her best lead yet, she ignored that feeling that something was coming for her baby sister, and was ready to do anything and everything, no matter what it does to herself

Yea, that Farrah Fawcett wiped him out, Scoops Ahoy was worth it though -- started a small account of his own, found a good, convenient rebound after Nancy, and built up his arms like crazy. But he's ready to take some time off work, so when Dustin tells him Eleven says he needs to take a trip he's ready. He was not ready to be pulling chaos incarnate off some piece of shit in the Deuce at midnight. Just woke up after their first night on the road and looking at her, he still can't figure out what part of what he said exactly convinced her; Dustin told him to name drop Eleven several times so that's what he did. You don't need liquor to play Never Have I Ever right? He can just make up new rules for the driving version of the game, European chicks probably don't play it anyways. Or maybe 20 questions'd go over better

A LITTLE EXTRA : No idea what her situation's about to be like when she gets to Hawkins, just know her relationship with 11 and probably everybody else she encounters's about to be complex as shit

                                    I know Gunerius's modern and I know it's Norwegian I just couldn't help myself, it's my fav Scandinavian song -- Lol of the very few I ever picked up from watching bits and pieces of Skam

                                    Oml I can't believe I'm finally posting this it's my only ship from this show and it's a crack ship and there's 0% it's turning out like this in S3 but I'm siced I love the idea of them no matter what

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