Blood Ties | Tenya Iida {REQUESTED}

Start from the beginning

He sighed again but didn't look nearly as disappointed as before. "A villain may not give you the time that you need, but you are right about training; that's why I want you to run laps around the training grounds until your legs give out."

Your face paled as you imagined the pain. "B-but how will that help me with controlling other people's blood?"

"You need to train more than just your quirk to become a great hero. Now, move!"


After over two hours of running and, what had to be, many buckets of sweat, your legs felt like toothpicks. Even so, you weren't that upset. It was your fault for having hope Vlad King would let you off the hook after putting his hands on his hips, and you also knew that while this training was harsh, it would only help you in the future. So, despite your muscles screaming, you kept running. They hadn't given out on you yet.

Hearing quick footsteps coming towards you, you prepared yourself for the wonderful breeze that class A's rep would provide. He'd been running laps even before you started, and his speed gave your body the small amount of relief it needed to keep going.

Closing your eyes, you braced yourself... only to feel nothing but a shadow blocking the beaming sun from your face. It was pleasant, but not what you needed. Squinting your eyes open, you saw Tenya Iida slowly jogging beside you with two bottles of orange juice in his hands. When he noticed you looking, he held one out to you with a serious frown on his face.

"It's been a while since you last stopped for a drink. It's important to stay hydrated, especially in this kind of weather. You should take more care of your body and its needs," he scolded lightly.

You smiled gratefully while taking the bottle from his outstretched hand and pausing in your jog to gulp it down greedily, only to have him warn you and urge you to slow down. When the bottle was completely empty and your head was no longer cloudy, you took in a deep and much-needed breath.

"Thanks, Iida. I really needed that. You're a life-saver."

He sighed but didn't look all that upset. "I do hope we stop meeting each other like this. You really should take better care of yourself."

You nudged him in the side playfully with your arm. "Aw, don't be like that. I know you enjoy seeing me more than you let on," you teased him. An airy laugh bubbled it's way out of your throat when his cheeks flushed and he tried his best to blame it on the sun with those awkward hand gestures of his. "There's no need to be embarrassed, Iida. I enjoy seeing you too. You're great company." The flush returned to his cheeks with a passion, and you couldn't help but laugh again. He was always so fun to tease.


What started as a fun activity between the classes had quickly gone awry after the sudden appearance of villains. You'd been hiding in the brush, waiting for the next student from class A to come by when gas began to drift towards your position. The only person you knew in your class to have any quirk that even resembled gas was Kinoko, but you knew it wasn't hers. Not trusting it, you'd started moving in the opposite direction and came into contact with Yosetsu and a girl from class A. That's when you got the news that there was an attack.

Now, you were running through the forest with your heart pounding in your ears and trying your best to pinpoint the sound of a scream you heard. You knew heading towards the danger was neither the best nor smartest decision, but you were in the hero course; you couldn't help yourself.

Not too long after, you broke through the brush only to find a sight that shocked you. A girl from class A had another pinned on the ground, but you could tell she wasn't a student, at least, not one from UA. The weirdest and most disturbing part of it all: she had your face.

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