Louis Cold

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Harry woke up naked and still tangled up with Louis from the night before's events, smiling ear to ear.

The older boy was still asleep, radiating heat to Harry. He didn't wanted to get up yet. He wanted to savor this moment.

Last night had been perfect, just perfect. They hadn't been together in so long, in any sense of the word, but they finally had the weekend off.

Eventually Harry found the mental strength to pull himself out of bed and get dressed. He was careful not to wake his sleeping boyfriend, and carefully tucked the older boy in with the duvet so he wouldn't be cold.

Although it was unlikely, as Harry noticed he felt a bit warm.

Oh well.

Harry practically skipped to the kitchen, as the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping, and he couldn't wait to spend the whole weekend with the person he loved most in this world.

It was a cliche for sure, making someone pancakes the morning after sex. But Harry thought you couldn't go wrong when it came to pancakes and sex with Louis.

So he proceeded to butter up a frying pan and measure out the dry ingredients. Last minute before pouring the batter, he decided to add chocolate chips, as they were Louis' favorite.

Just as he was about to wake up Louis to serve breakfast, he heard coughing from upstairs. And not just a little bit either, but a loud, whooping like cough that made the hairs on the back of Harry's arm stand up.

Uh oh, he thought, then filled up a y'all glass of water and carried it into the master bedroom.

"Hey, Boo." Harry sat next to Louis in the bed, rubbing circles on his back as he began another fit of coughing. "You okay? Here." He handed him the drink.

"I-" cough cough "'m alright..." cough cough cough. "Thank-" cough cough cough.

Harry frowned deeply, placing his lips against his boyfriend's forehead. "Oh, Lou." He pulled his lips away. "You're really hot."

Louis pulled a seductive face, striking a ridiculous pose. "Why thank you. You looked pretty hot last night, all bent over wearing that little-"

"Louis!" Harry resisted the urge to laugh. "I'm serious! You seem really sick, and I'm worried about you."

Louis' heart swelled at how caring his younger boyfriend was, but was quick to reassure him. "I'm alright, Harry. Promise."

But when he started coughing again, he didn't sound alright. He sounded really sick.

Louis could see the fear painted on the curly haired boy's face, so he tried to think of a distraction. "Something smells really good. Did you make breakfast, babe?"

Bingo, Louis thought. Because Harry smiled proudly.

"Chocolate chip pancakes," he said brightly. "I know they're your favorite."

"You didn't have to do that," Louis said, but then added, "I'm glad you did, though, because I'm starving."

Breakfast started out fine. Pleasant even. Harry served them each a stack of pancakes, covering them in syrup and whipped cream. Then the two boys sat hip to hip on the couch, watching a sitcom as they ate.

But halfway through his plate, Louis started coughing so hard he nearly choked.

"Easy, Love," Harry warned, patting his boyfriend's back as hard as he dared to. He wasn't quite sure what that would do, but it was something had mum had always done to him and Gemma when they were coughing too hard whilst growing up.

Whatever the reason it seemed to help. Soon Louis' coughing fit was over, leaving him pink in the face and gasping for air.

Not wanting to be rude, Louis picked up his fork to finish the delicious breakfast Harry had cooked.

Harry shook his head, gently reaching out a hand to stop Louis. "Maybe we should go lie down for a bit."

To be continued...

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