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Theme Song: In Flames - Leeches
It burns
It rips
It hurts
They made you believe
Your turn
The chance of a lifetime
How does it feel to be alive


Time had seemed to blur by. One day bled into the next. She did not know up from down, nor day from night. She had clawed at her skin, raking her sharp nails down her arms and legs in an attempt to ease the boiling burn that threatened to drive her mad. She had watched in awe as her own blood; now darker in hue, had started trickling down her skin, then had begun to float in the air as if gravity was no longer an issue. She had poked at a drop in amusement, watching as it's form shifted like a lava lamp. Her hair hung in a dirty mat of tangled curls. Leaves, dust and blood clung to her in patches. The burning in her veins had finally subsided. Her limbs still felt weak, shaky, but she carefully stood using a stack of old wooden crates for support. Pennywise's gift to her now floated towards the large grate above the macabre tower of collected items, moving gracefully as if he was underwater. As strange as it was to receive a person as a gift, it had touched her deeply. He had been one of the Cultists that had broken into her home and had threatened her way of life. It seemed only fitting that he now decorated this place.

Pennywise, in his human guise she had taken to calling "Bill" - mostly due to the fact he was a mirror image of Bill Skarsgard - returned from his above ground venture. He moved swiftly towards her when he noticed that she was attempting to stand. Before he could reach her, however, she waved him off with a faintly gesture of her hand. Her determination and strength still amazed him. There was no doubt now about her survive the final Binding. Tonight was the night and he wanted to to be perfect, or at least as perfect as he could manage. Unsure of what to do now that she did not need his help, he ran a black leather gloved hand nervously through short, slicked back brown hair. He tugged at it lightly before dropping his hand back down to his side with a grunt.

"I am not fragile, Pennywise. I am going to be fine." She told him for the hundredth time that day. Her tone remained amused despite the several attempts at him hovering around her like a mother hen.

"I know but I am unsure of what to do." He sounded so lost.

Amanda smiled and chuckled softly. "I know." It was sort of humbling to see the frightful Pennywise seem so compassionate.

He growled lowly in warning, obviously catching her train of thought rather easily. He had been touching her mind non-stop these past few days and would often catch when her thoughts shifted.

"I am not compassionate."

"You are only when it comes to me, perhaps."

"Hmm." His lips pulled back from his teeth with another growl, but they both knew she was right. He was an entity know for great unspeakable horrors and yet, with her, he had been reduced to a giant squishy teddy bear. With fangs.

"I am in desperate need of a shower, or bath. Anything at this point."

He moved towards her and took her dirty, blood caked hand in his. "Then come. There is a fresh water drain nearby. It will be cold, but it is clean."

"I'll take it. And clothes would be welcome."

He frowned faintly. "You won't need them."

"I am not going around naked all the time, Pennywise."

He sighed softly. "A shame. I would rather enjoy it if you did."

"I am sure you would." She replied with a chuckle.

He led her down a small series of interconnecting tunnels. Taking a left, it opened up into a sizable chamber. Smaller than the main one they inhabited, but still large enough to make one wonder just exactly how large this system was. Lined up along the circular room were fresh water spouts, pouring down into small pools. They reminded her of water fountains in a garden. With a cry of joy, she all but ran to one and immediately clambered beneath the clean water. The temperature of it didn't faze her, not with her desire to scrub herself clean. He watched, entertained as she blissfully used her nails to scrub dirt and other grime from her skin. Unable to help himself, Pennywise willed his clothes away with a simple thought and joined her. He had not been able to touch her for two days and it had begun to grate on his nerves. Reaching out, he gripped her hips and turned her to face him.

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