heaven and you

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heaven and you

I jolted awake and quickly tried to take in my surroundings. The view was so beautiful-a blue sky, soft grass, figures walking in the distance and the world around me a slightly dull white. There was one thing that immediately caught my attention and it was obvious that I wasn't breathing. My chest wasn't rising and falling like it should.

I spun in circles trying to find something or anyone to indicate me in a direction. A direction I should be heading in. I was so lost and confused, but while my thoughts crashed at me. I instantly saw her-my mother. I saw her milky white face and a rush of happiness filled me. I ran to her and I captured her in my arms. I took in her beautiful scent, which was the same as always; lavender flowers blooming. I never thought I'd get to see her again.

❝Destiny, you shouldn't of done it. My baby,❞ she cried as she rested her head on my shoulder.

❝I'm sorry, mother. I couldn't do it there anymore,❞ I pulled away from her to smile.

❝Oh, Destiny.❞

❝Mother, do you know where Ed is?❞ I asked.

My mother nodded and stepped aside. Ed had already appeared by my side and I hugged him within moments of his arrival. Wrapping my legs and arms around him tightly. Making sure his whole body was on mine. I had him in my arms and I wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon. I couldn't believe this-my mother and my love were with me again.

Will we get to be in peace now? Will I have the people I love most beside me forever?

❝Destiny, why did you do it? I pleaded you not to. You deserved that happiness,❞ he whispered as I slid back down to the ground again.

❝It doesn't matter. I'm here now, Ed. I'm so sorry for what I did, but I love you. I have no better explanation,❞ I said.

His lips press softly against mine causing my words to muffle into each other. It had been forever since I felt true happiness and bliss. I had almost forgotten how his ever-soft lips felt on mine. It was breathtaking.

❝I love you, Ed. So much,❞ I tell him. ❝No one can change that. Not Edan. Not my dad. No one. I tried so hard to come to you and finally I did. I'm here now. You promised a forever and I made sure you kept that promise.❞

❝You'll be forever mine.❞

❝Dear Ed, you are forever in my heart. I waited for you day and night. I waited everyday for you to come back from your star. You never came, but I'm here now. I love you so much not even death could keep us apart, Ed.❞

Love. Something that rips you to pieces especially your heart. It kills you, but it is also the most beautiful emotion that one could feel. Every touch sends fluttering butterflies through your body almost like a tickle and a jolt. It feels like you're on a cloud. Just like how I am now. Love. Something we all need to keep even if it means leaving everything and everyone else behind.


Dear Ed,

Yes, I came to your side. To heaven, I believe. The only place we could be together in peace. I love you so much that it hurts and pains me. When I had heard your death, the whole world tumbled to the ground like an earthquake. My heart ached because you left me. You were accidentally killed, when you jumped in front of a car one drunken night. I wasn't ready to lose you.

God, you left. You had no right. I was mad at you, but my love for you weighed more in my heart. It was hard to stay mad. You were my first, last and only love. The day I saw you in that ever white room. The day you told me to move on. I tried, Ed, but it wouldn't work. I met Edan he looked just like you, but he wasn't you. I didn't want to lead Edan on a path that would go nowhere. You are forever mine, my dearest Ed. You will forever be the robber of my heart.

In your arms; Destiny

That just happened. That was the final chapter. Yes, she died. Yes, they are finally together. Yes, sorry-not-sorry. Hope you enjoyed this story. It was lovely writing this! If you would like a new story to read, please check out my stories KILL and MIDNIGHT! Have a read only if you want.

OMG, have you guys seen Ed Sheeran's new video! Thinking Out Loud was absolutely amazing. Him dancing in the video gave me the feels! I was so jealous of that girl. I would do anything to be in her place <3

Lots of Love. Aleyna

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