Disclaimer thingy I guess

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Sooo hey, welcome. I just wanted to say a few things before y'all start reading.
So first of all, when I started writing this, I had like no idea what I was doing and there might be some mistakes I made or something not making sense, I'd really appreciate if you'd point that out to me. Then, I don't know how or why this happened but this entire school system is kinda weird because I mixed in the german system in this somehow. So yeah there might be things that seem to be weird, that comes from this.
And I also pretty much completed the fic already before uploading it, so that I won't stress myself and so that you wouldn't have to wait 300 years for a new update.
I'll probably upload once a week, I'm not sure which day though. I guess since it's a wednesday when I Upload this here together with the first chapter (will follow in about 15 minutes), wednesday? Or would y'all think friday or saturday would be better? Or another day? I'm pretty flexible, so I'd be fine with pretty much any day of the week.
((Also, all of the titles are giving a big Fall Out Boy vibes because I'm a dumbass and I don't know how to title, if there'd be someone kind enough to help me with giving the chapters accurate titles, I would very aprecciate that. But if you're fie with the titles like that, that's cool too))
Okay, I think that's it, now have fun reading!

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