4- I don't know if these titles will ever be fitting but they probably won't

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I wake up from a rather strong smell of pancakes and slightly coffee. Trying to sit up, I realize Frankie is still cuddled up to me tightly and he looks so peaceful I don't want to wake him. So I decide to watch him a bit until he wakes up, which isn't much later. He shifts around in my arms a bit, then opens his eyes and looks at me. Instead of making this awkward I just smile at him warmly and say "Morning Frankie. How'd you sleep?" "Mmh morning. Slept pretty well actually, thanks again for...you know...cuddling" "No problem at all" I smile a bit more at him and then try to get up but Frankie protests. He grips around me a bit tighter and grumbles: "No. Warm and cozy." "But Frankie" I whine a bit "I'm hungry and I need to go to the bathroom." He grumbles again and tries to cuddle onto me even closer. "Frankie please. We can do this after breakfast again, okay?" "Mhh fiiine" he say and lets go of me, really slowly. Finally free I take a quick trip to the bathroom and then pick Frank up to go upstairs into the kitchen. Wait a moment, why does it even small like pancakes? I didn't make any, Frank didn't make any and Mikey doesn't even know how to make any. Arriving in the kitchen I see Trick sitting on the table, on his phone. As he hearts the door open he looks up and when he sees me his expression changes slightly. "Ummh, morning guys. Uh I hope it's okay that I...used your kitchen to make pancakes...? Well I was awake and no one else was. Or well I don't know about you two but you weren't up here and Pete and Mikey are still asleep on the couch. So I decided to make us breakfast and I know how much you like pancakes, Gee so I thought why don't I just make some? Uhh yeah." I grin a bit at him. "Well I'd never say no to free pancakes. Also it's totally fine, not like we hide dead bodies in our cupboards. And I trust you. Now, I'm hungry as fuck so let's get down to business." With that I help myself to a few pancakes and then ask Frankie how much he wants. He's still a little grumpy, I can't tell though of that's because of me interrupting our cuddling or if he always is like this after walking up. So I'm making a sudden desicion. After preparing Frankie's and my plates, I put them on the table, right next to each other and as he tries to sit down, I grab him and pull him onto my lap. He reacts immediately and cuddles up to me but in a way that's comfy for us both. "Is this better?" I say, smirking. "Mmhm definetely." Trick just watches me trying to eat with Frankie on me amused. As I finish eating, the door opens and Pete comes in, carrying Mikey. At first I thought something is wrong but now I see that Mikey's awake and grinning. "He lay on top of me and didn't want to move so I simply carried him in here." Pete explains while sitting Mikey on a spare chair. "Hey, Frankie, don't you wanna eat something too?" "Yes but...comfy." Here it goes again. "But Frankie, you can't just simply clinge onto me forever." "Watch me." I sigh and start cutting his pancakes into small pieces, which I then feed him. He does seem happy about the fact of not having to let me go and well, I'm not complaining either. To be honest, I really like being this close to him. "I still can't believe your allowed to call him that." Pete says now, kinda amazed. "Well you aren't so back the fuck off." Frankie mumbles grumpily. Then, as we finish eating, I try standing up with Frank. Hard thing to do, just as I expected. "Frankie if you don't let go of me I'll have to drop you." "But Gee-" "No. Let go or I'll drop you." "Ugghhhh fiiiine." And oh my god, he actually lets go of me. "Umm Gee...?" "What's up Mikes?" "Can I...can I talk to you for a second?...Alone?" "Of course. Guys we'll be right back. Up to your room then. Upstairs we sit down on his bed and I look at him, expectadly. "Well, okay so uhh...you know I wanted to talk about something, right? So here it comes. You see, I've- I've been getting really close to Pete. Aaand well, the day you teased me, I guess this came true. So I think I do have a big crush on him but I didn't know how to handle it.Well...then I kind of casually invited him over without thinking and at the beginning I was really excited but then I got scared and started panicking. 'What if I'd do or say something wrong?' and so on. So when Pete arrived here it started growing more so I went to the bathroom to calm myself down and then quietly went back to my room, where Pete has already waited for me. He saw that I looked terrible and I had cried so he asked me what's wrong. I told him about me having a panic attack and about how much  I worried but I left the part of me probably having a crush on him away, but not because I fear his reaction. Rather because I'm not even sure if this will last longer or of we'd work out together, you know. But I asked him of he could like, stay close to me because it makes me feel safer, which it actually does but still I also want to figure out if this crush is just a temporary thing. But I kinda feel like I'm...using him, you know?" It hurts my heart to hear how desperate and sad he souded as he told me this. I pull him into a tight hug and whisper: "Thank you so much for telling me this, Mikey. I'm sure this is all gonna turn out fine and if not, you know you can tell me anything." I hear him sniffle and feel my shirt wetten a bit. He's crying. Mikey never cries around anyone, he stopped crying even in front of our parents when he was seven. If he cried, you can easily see it because his eyes get really red but he always cries to himself. I gently start rubbing his back. "Thank you...thank you much, Gee. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Me neither, my baby brother. Me neither." He calms down after a while and smiles at me then a bit. "Feel better now?" "Yes, definetely. Thank you again." We leave his room again and go back in the kitchen. Down there we find Trick and Pete, conversating but Frankie isn't there. "Oh there you are again! Mikey, did you cry? You don't have to tell me, sorry that was kinda...rude" Pete rambles out and Mikey smiles faintly. "It's totally fine dude. By the way, where's Frank?" "Went downstairs into Gee's room." Trick chimes in. "I'm going downstairs to him, you also coming Trick?" "Yeah sure. Just gimme a sec." With that I make my way into my room where I find Frankie admiring all the band posters on my wall. Then I remember something. I grab my sketchbook from my desk and hold it in front of Franie's face who hasn't even realized my presence until now. "Huh? What? Oh Gee?! When did you come in?" "Just right now. Here, you told me you wanted to see some of the stuff I draw. So here you go." He takes the book and flips through the pages. I can see amazement growin in his face more and more. Is my shit really that good? "Dude, this is awesome! Oh my god I really love your art man." "Really? ...thanks." I'm gettinng a bit flustered now. Literally no one said anything like this to me, except for Mikes. "Anyway...I really like these posters you have. Good taste in music, but I knew this already." Frankie smirks. I look at my wall, smiling and then sighing a little at this one huge free space in the middle. Frankie must've heard this because he looks at me inquiring. "What's supposed to hang over there?" "Well...you see, I actually wanted to leave room in the center of my wall for, y'know, pride flags. Oh I'd love to have two. Non-binary and pansexual. But my parents won't allow me to buy some because they have the view of that being 'a waste of space and money'." "Oh. That's too sad. By the way I do have one. But like, bi. So this won't be too helpful for you. I'd say I keep in in my closet as a pun but well I don't even really have a closet. I have this...huge bookshelf but only half of it's full of books. The other half's filled with my clothes. I just don't have that many."  "Oh well fair enough, not like you wear the same shit every other day. Not saying you look bad in this though. To be honest you look like, really fucking hot." I say, the last things rather quietly to myself but Frankie hears it anyway and smirks at me, raising one eyebrow." "So. You think I'm hot, eh? Well-" But he gets interrupted by the door opening and Trick entering the room. "Hope I'm not interrupting something here." He says, grinning a bit. Oh he definetely heard what Frankie just said. Now it's Frankie's turn getting a bit flustered it seems.  "Uh well n-no, not really." "Suuuure. Anyway, Gee, when exactly is your birthday? Like, not that we miss that. Frank's by the way is on Halloween and mine is on twenty seventh of april." "Hey, we're both april kids! My birthday is on the ninth. Which is in like, three weeks. Wow, I haven't even realized that."

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