11 - Maybe I could put lyrics here

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Oh god. I said it. I look at Trick, pretty unsure because I don't know how he'll react. "Oh- oh Gee but that's of course not a bad thing. And yeah, I've kinda seen it coming. It's good that you accept it. Know that I'll always be here to support you and if you need someone to talk to. How did you realize it?" I start smiling a little dreamily. "Well, we had this talk thing last night and when I woke up this morning, well...okay so I woke up before him and when I saw him making up, sunbeams gleaming on his cute face bringing out the beatiful color of his gorgeous eyes even more than usual...something just clicked in me. And I think- I think I realized how much I just want to...be with him and just be able to call him my boyfriend and to kiss him all over his adorable face." Whoops, I think I've drifted away a bit too far. But Trick doesn't seem to mind. "Aww this is soo sweet, you guys just have to get together. And I'll do everything I can to help. Do you have something in mind? Something we could do?" "Trick calm down a little.", I laugh. "Oh I'm sorry, it's just...ooooh I'm so excited! You guys would make such a cute couple." "Yeah...I guess we would. But I don't think I really want to do something about this, at lest not yet. I mean, I do accept this but I don't want to rush everything and if he doesn't feel the same, which is pretty possible, I'm afraid that this would make our friendship a little weird. Because this 'everything's gonna be the same, right?' is pretty much bullshit. You can't just remain the exact same friends anymore, it's just...not possible. You know what I mean?" "Mh...yeah kinda. But I don't think Frank won't like you back because first of all how he secretly tries to look at you when you don't pay attention and the way he acts around you. I'm pretty sure your feelings are mutual. But if you don't want to do something that's of course fine and I'll not do anything you don't want behind your back." "Thanks Trick, means a lot to me. Phew it does do good to have talked about this. Oh, I should maybe get going, I need to go home for a bit and then I'm gonna stay at Frankie's. Pray that I'll survive with my new found knowledge. Anyway, it was really nice to hang out with you, we should do that moreoften." "Yeah, that would be nice. Then, see you tomorrow in school." "Bye Trick." I get up and chech my phone. 1 new message from Frankie xX: 'Hey Gee, u could come over in about an hour, lookin very forward to spend time with u! xoxo' It's adorable. And also that little xoxo makes my heart beat like three times faster. Kind of strange what some little letters can do to you. I reply to him that I'll hurry up grabbing my stuff and then make my way over to his place. Once I grabbed everything I need and am about to make my way to his home, I realize I don't even exactly know where he lives, Which I of course text him. 'I'll pick you up at the cd store, just wait for me outside, c ya there xX' I swear this dude is gonna be the death of me. I make my way to the store. Arriving, I can't spot Frankie anywhere yet but well, he told me I should wait for him. About a minute later, two hands lay over my eyes. Or rather they try but don't really reach to my eyes. "I don't think this worked too well Frankie." I start laughing as he tries to reach higher and stumbles into me because he lost his balance. "Anyway, nice to see you. Thanks for picking me up, it's a very nice thing." Frankie mumbles something that I don't completely understand and then he tells me to follow him.
Arriving at his home, we're greeted by an excited small dog. "Hi Sweet Pea, you happy that I'm back? Look, I brought a friend!" Appearently Frankie is just as excited as his dog, Sweet Pea as it seems. It's really adorable to watch them play together. After they calmed down again, Frankie leads me into his room. It's a bit small but definetely pretty cozy. "Oh um...Gee, do you mind my dog sleeping in bed with us? She's kind of scared of sleeping alone and-" Are you kidding? Of course I don't mind. If I had a pet I'd probably let it sleep in my bed too but well, my parents wouldn't allow it." I look around Frankie's room a bit more and then spot a large stuffed animal on his bed. A panda to be exact. Frankie sees me looking at it and immediately tries to stutter out something. "Hey, Frankie, it's okay. I'm not judging you. I never would. To be honest, I actually think it's pretty cute." "R- realy? Oh...okay then. I have him since I was like one by the way. His name is Grayson." "That's a pretty rare name, how did one year old you even come up with that?" He laughs a little. "Well, I must say I don't even really know anymore. My parents told me I just said I liked the name. Still do." "Adorable. Just like you." I just said that out loud didn't I? But Frankie doesn't seem to have a problem with it, he just blushes a little. "Sooo what now? Like, what can we do?" "Umm I'm sorry but today just so much happened I'm really tired Gee." "Oh but you don't have to apologize for that! We can just cuddle if you want." "Yeah that would be nice." So we flop on his bed and I wrap my arms around him. He immediately just falls asleep. Must really have been a tiring day today, because normally he doesn't fall asleep that fast. Hopefully nothing bad happened. Maybe he just used up all his excitement already. ...Though I don't think that this is possible. I just lay there, watching his cute face and petting Sweet Pea, who jumped on the bed with us and curled herself up over our heads. This feels nice. I wish I could just kiss Frankie right now. But I'm scared that he'll wake up or maybe even is awake but pretends to sleep. I don't know why he would do that but I mean, I do it too sometimes. Probably because I just like being this close. Oh well. After a while, I start getting drowsy but I can't really fall asleep because in this moment Frankie's mom comes into the room. "Guys? Oh, is Frank asleep? Dinner's ready. But you don't need to wake him up, you guys can just eat later if you want." "No, it's fine, I can just wake him up. I would have fallen asleep soon anyway and then we probably couldn't sleep during the night, most definetely this small bundle of energy here." Linda smiles. "Okay then" and then she leaves again. "Hey Frankie, psst wake up." I lightly shake his arm but he just won't wake up. "Frankie, sweetheart, time to get up!" "Come on, fucking sleeping beauty, dinner!" Doesn't move. Wow he must have been extremely exhausted. Frankie, come on! What the fuck else am I supposed to call you until you wake up?!" "Mmm the sleepin beauty one was pretty good." "Frankie! You scared me! Why didn't you tell me you were awake? You had me worried!" "Oh, I'm very sorry Gee. I just kinda didn't want to get up like at all. Because you said dinner and that's, I assume, why you woke me up in the first place. But you're like, warm and cuddly and I don't know if my parents would it like that much if I'd sit in your lap, like I did at your place, you know." "Oh but you could have said something! Your mom asked if we'd want to eat later. I could have just told her." In this moment, Linda comes in again. "Guys...?" "Oh, I'm sorry, you see, Frankie here didn't seem to wake up and he just told me he'd want to eat later." "Oh, well then. Have fun still!" She smiles and leaves us again. "See? Now we can eat in peace and you can sit on my lap, if that's what you want to do." "Oh that is definetely what I want to do." "Then it's decided I guess. So what now? I mean, we can't do too much, because of school tomorrow. Yikes. But anyway, what could we do? And no- simply cuddlng is not in, we'll fal asleep now and if we sleep through, we won't have much time to spend awake together today." "Oh well, we could just go eat now, I mean, I guess my parents are done anyway, they're like, really fast eaters." We go downstairs and really, his parents aren't in the kitchen anymore. "Fooooood" "Mood, Frankie, big mood." He  puts us food onto two plates while I sit down, then he places the plates infront of us and makes himself comfortable on my lap. We silently eat but don't move away from each other as we're finished. "Frank? Gee? You in the kitchen?" "Yeah mom, why?" I hear footsteps coming closer until I can see Linda in the doorway. "Just wanted to tell you that the shower's free." "Oh okay, thanks mom." "Umm Frankie...would you mind letting me shower first...?" "Oh no, of course not, take your time an d then tell me when you're done." "Yeah and you don't set anything on fire, got it Frankie?" We burst out laughing and he slips off me so I can go to the bathroom.

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