10 - honestly if you want normal titles just help me please I can't do this

42 1 19

Next morning at breakfast I notice something. Mikey and Pete both look tired as fuck and Mikey tries to move as little as possible. I'm a little concerned, what if he fell out of bed and hurt himself? I'll ask him after school. In said place, not really much is going on. Except for Patrick in lunch period suddenly bursting out: "Honestly you guys should found a club." "A club? What kinda club, Trick?" "Well...I was thinking maybe an lgbt club. Like, you know, other people can come to you with their problems, knowing they've got a safe space and maybe you can help them figuring out who they are. What do you think?" "Actually...this sounds like a good idea. We should ask Mr Urie about this too, he could help us with this." "That's the spirit, Frankie. Yep, I'm in. Who else is?" Everyone raises their arms. Well, everyone except Trick. "Hey, what about you Trick?" "Well...you know I don't really think I belong into the community so what use would I be?" "Oh come on, don't be silly. You can do very much! Like you could help us organizing everything. And also I want you on the team. How about you, guys?" Everyone quickly agrees with me and since Ray, Trick and I have a double lesson with Mr Urie now, we decide that we three are gonna talk to him about this idea. After the lesson, Ray, Trick and I look at each other, nod and then walk to our teacher's desk. "What can I do for y'all?" I speak up. "Umm so we had this idea and wanted to ask if...maybe you could help us with it?" "I'm all ears." " This time, Ray takes over the talking. "Well, we, more rather Patrick here, had the idea of maybe forming a club. Like, an lgbt club, where people can come to with their problems and we could help them." "This sounds like a great idea guys, I'll gladly help you! I'll speak to a few other teachers too, maybe we can get this around a bit." "Thank you so much Mr Urie." "It's really no problem and also it's a pleasure you asked me for helping you. Well then, see y'all on monday." Then somehow, we started a conversation that leads to the point we're currently at. Me asking: "Who do you reckon does Mr Urie date? I mean, it's gotta be someone at this school, taking note of my first impression of him." "Oh yeah...I've noticed that too! Personally I'd think Mr Ross, don't you? I mean, they are pretty close." "Mh maybe Ray, but like, have you seen him and Mr Weekes, the musical history teacher, together? They'd make a good couple too." "Guess we'll find out just now." I say because I see the three of them walking up the hall. Oh wait, are they coming in our direction? "Guys we gotta stop talking about them, they're coming to our direction. Act casual." The teachers are coming closer until they spot us. Urie turns to his colleagues and tells them something. Then they proceed to walk to our direction. "Hey boys and Gee! I've found some help for your idea." Mr Weekes speaks up. "Yeah, we'd gladly back you guys up, get this thing around and stuff." "This is really nice of you, thank you all very much." "It's really no problem, Ray. Just the best for the students." After that, they leave us again. And I notice something. "Huh, I guess you both were right.", I snicker and nod towards the teachers. Mr Weekes and Mr Ross on each side of Mr Urie, discreetly trying to hold his hands. "Okay but how didn't we see that coming? Oh well then. I guess I'll see you later Gee and you tomorrow Ray. Bye!" "Bye Pat!" "Later."

Back at home, sitting in the living room, I finally ask Mikey what's wrong. "Mikey? I've noticed something. You've been kinda walking weirdly today. Are you hurt? And also what the fuck was that noise yestetrday evening? Did you guys fall outta bed?" Mikes suddenly blushes to an extreme and starts to incoherently stutter around. "Umm uh- well-- you see- I...umm okay so-" And suddenly, a wave of realization hits me. How on earth have I not seen this coming yet? I mean, this explains literally everything. Why Mikes and Pete both look s extremely tired, that my bro is walking kind if weirdly aaand that hickey I didn't even see before. "Oh. You- OH! Mikey, oh. my. GOD! MY LITTLE BROTHER IS GROWING UP SO FAST! Did you use pro-" "Gee, stop! What if our parents come home and hear this, dude. You can't just fu-" "Actually, yes I can. So, how was it? And for real, did you use protection or not? It's important. Oh and by the way, I've always known you'd be a bottom. I just can't believe it. Wait does that make me the only virgin in this household? I did not sign up for this, what happened? Dammit."  "Okay Gee, enough really. I'll answer your questions if you promise me to stop bothering me about it.  And no, you're not gonna tell your friends, I want them to either don't know this at all or from Pete or me." "Okay, fiiine. Then shoot, I'm all ears." "Yes, we did use protection and yeah well...it hurt but it was allright. Now stop botherin me, I'll go play bass now, see ya this evening. Oh yeah and I know that you're heading out with Patrick later, you don't need to make sure of me knowing." "Oh okay, have fun playing. See ya later. Oh and if you don't want mom and dad to know yet, you should cover up that hickey." After this conversation, I go to my room, doing homework and reading. I texted Patrick that we'd meet around four at the local coffee shop when I got home, so I just need to watch the time a little so I won't be too late. I can't realy focus on the book though and my head starts buzzing me again with questions, doubts and thoughts. It's just too much. But I don't want to cancel the meeting with Trick. I decide to take a quick, cold shower and maybe lay down for a bit while listening to music. It does have a calming effect on me and soon I feel better again.

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