3 - the title is too long and doesn't even fit just like a FoB song title

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It is now friday and the week by far was pretty good over all. And I made an interesting discovery: Whenever someone teases Frank, this person always calls him 'Frankie' so he gets even more annoyed and it always works. I'll try that out myself once, maybe even today. I gotta say, I do get stared at weirdly often but today it's especially bad. Probably because I decided to wear one of my favorite dresses but I don't have well, tits. Because it seems like most people tihnk you need to be a girl to wear a dress which is a load of bullshit if you ask me. Anyone can wear anything they want, always keep that in mind. I think Trick might have realized I'm acting a bit off, I hate to be stared at and I'm not really behaving like myself when that happens. And while we're walking to the class room together he looks at me a bit worried and asks me if I'm okay, but I simply shake it off. In the room, I let myself fall on my seat and put my head in my arms. I kind of feel like crying but I will definetely not do that in here, surrounded by so many people. Frank isn't here yet so I can't talk to him and I don't know if I should talk to Trick because of how I shook him off on our way to class. Ugh now I feel even worse than before and I'd go to the bathroom to cry but it's almost time that class starts and I don't want to come in late and have to explain why I was not here. I sigh quietly to myself and then I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Gee? Are you okay?" Frank. I slowly raise my head to look at him and faintly shake it. Frank looks at me worried and opens his mouth to say something, but our teacher comes in. But instead of starting the class he says in a quiet voice "Uh, I really don't feel well but I tried to come here to teach anyway. I realized now that this is not possible for me so you guys are allowed change seats if you want and don't do class but please, please be quiet. I'm gonna take medicine now and then sign off, don't expect me to be back until the end of next week." I slam my head onto my arms again and then hear Frank quietly saying: "Gee, please. Tell me what's wrong, I want to help you, okay?" "Bathroom" That's the only thing I say but Frank understands. I look to Trick, a bit unsure and Franks seems to also notice that. "Want to take him with us?" I nod and he calls him over to us. We go to one of the bathrooms and then Trick and Frank just look at me a bit worried. "Okay so uh...first of all, I'm sorry for shaking you off like that this morning, Trick. I just... I didn't really want to talk about it but I idn't think of how rude I'd come off with that...yeah." "Oh, it's- it's okay, really. You know, you can always talk to me though, keep that in mind. I won't judge you and I'm sure Frank here does neither. Please talk to us if something is bothering you, okay?" "Thank you guys, thank you so fucking much." Frank smiles at me a bit. "It's really no problem. See, that's what friends are for, right?" At that I kind of lose it. I pull both of my friends in a tight hug and just start crying. Inbetween the sobs I manage to tell them about how I feel about the staring and that I don't want to be bothered by it but can't shake it off. And how thankful I am to have these guys as my friends. As I calm down again, neither of uss pull away from the hug and we stay like it for a few minutes more. I figure though, that we should get back to class, so I pull away and wash my face. Luckily I decided not to put on make up today, so you couldn't really see I was crying. We make our way back to class and to my luck no one really looks at us as we come in and take our seats.

As finally lunch time comes, everything is okay again. Frank didn't leave my side for once today and basically death glared anyone who stared at me until now. I think he tried to do it subtle but I realized and somehow it makes me feel more safe. Oh and I also feel a lot more like joking around again. The guys are talking about their band again and Ray's complaining of how they still need a singer. Frank looks as though he just got an idea after he looked at me shortly. "Can I suggest someone?" "Sure thing, shoot." "I thought, maybe, and of course only if they want, how about Gee?" "W-what? Me? I, uh, I feel flattered. Do you really think I could sing though, Frank?" "Well uh yeah. Better than me definetely." He blushes a bit at that. "oh and he'll also actually reach the mic stand, right, Frankie?" "Oh shut up Pete, you dont even have a mic." My turn! "Watch your temper, Frankie, it's becoming even shorter than you. I could also instead of singing pull you up to the mic because how should we know if I sing better if we can't even hear you, Frankiee?" Frank's reaction isn't quite what I expected. "No no, I'm fine with you singing, besides, I'd probably be too heavy to be carried all the time. Or do you have another suggestion of who could sing?" "Well, I'm not sure. Maybe Trick? He told me he'd maybe want to be in a band. If you're okay with it, Trick?" "Oh uh thanks Gee I- uh, I'm not sure though, you see, I've never done this before. I think I'm not really ready for this yet." "Of course, we don't want to pressure you into something", Ray tells him. "If you ever change your mind, just tell us I guess. That long, we're gonna stick with Gee. You want to do this, right?" "I, uh, yeah. Yeah, I kinda really want to make this experience." "Great!" So Frank now tells me practice times and about the band in general as we and Trick walk to our next and last class for today. In the middle of class, I suddenly remember something. "Hey Frank?" "Yeah?" "Well...in lunchtime, when we were teasing you, you reacted differently on me using your nickname than when the others did it. Is- is there any reason for this?" He blushes at that. "Well, I guess when you call me that, I just....I don't get angry or annoyed about it but when the others call me 'Frankie', that usually happens.  I guess-...I guess you're just special." Now is my turn to blush. But not as much as Frank though. "Sooo, am I allowed to call you Frankie now?" "Uhh, I...guess you are. To be honest, I actually really like when you do."  "Okay then, Frankie." "Frank, Gee would you please stop flirting with each other and follow my lesson? Thanks, boys. You have plenty of time for this after class." Now we both flush red and now try to pay attention. Well, try. I don't know why, but I'm always catching myself looking at Frank- Frankie. He either doesn't realize or he doesn't mind and to be honest I'd be fine with either. And finally, the bell rings and we're free for the weekend. I know Mikey's gonna have Pete over. He didn't tell me yet, but Pete told Trick the other day, that he'd be not at home on the weekend so they can't meet up. Soo I could just invite him and Frankie over. Only inviting one of them wouldn't really feel right and I'd probably feel guilty about it. So at home I'm making a group chat with only us three and ask them if they can come. Luckily both have time and are going to sleep over for today and tomorrow, so this is gonna be a great weekend!

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