Chapter 3

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Zoey's POV

      I had been driving for about eight hours, and realized I should stop at a store and pick up the stuff I had wanted to buy earlier. Up ahead, I spotted a strip mall and pulled into the parking lot outside of Wal-Mart. I unlatched my seat belt, and grabbed my keys and wallet. I slid out of my truck, closing and locking the doors. I quickly make my way across the parking lot, and into the warm store. I didn't bother to grab a cart or even a basket, I wasn't going to buy a lot.

      I walked to the electronic section, and grabbed to cheapest disposable cell phone they carried, and a phone card to go with it. I walked over to the food section and got some non-perishable food, and some bottled waters. I made my way to counter at the front and checked out. The cashier, a middle age woman, quickly looked between me and my purchase without saying a word, which I was grateful for. I grabbed my bags then headed back into my truck.

      Once inside and settled I pulled out the pocket knife I had stashed in the pocket of my doo. I had never tried to stop the physical abuse from my step-mother, but always made sure I had two knifes hid in my truck. The pocket knife in my hand, a small Swiss Army knife in the dash console. It was a way to insure myself I would have them in case of an emergency. A small piece of safety in my dangerous life.

      I set my new phone up, writing my new phone number on the inside of my wrist, just incase I needed to know it. Once I made sure all of my stuff was settled, I drove a little further up the road to a twenty-four hour drive through McDonald's. I ordered a large fry, and a coffee with lots of cream and sugar. I knew I wanted more to eat but the uneasiness of my head and stomach, gave me the feeling if I ate much it would just come back up. I parked in the empty parking lot, eating my fries and pausing now and then to sip the hot coffee. The warm liquid soothed the cold emptiness inside of me.

      Leaning back in my seat, I let my eyes close. The emotions washed over my body like waves on a shore. Not drowning, just covering then receding the process repeating. Never really stopping or changing.

      Max's face flashed behind my eyes, anger, hurt, disappointment all came flowing over my soul. I was still shocked that he was so kind to my face, but I guess it was never real. It felt real. That boy could probably win an Oscar award for his performance.

      Or my wicked step-mother, how happiness sparkled in her eyes when she hurt me. My father who hadn't loved me enough to be there for me.

      The ladies and Alex from my favorite bookstore in town had cared. Or maybe they were acting just like Max. Who's to say that anybody I've ever meant had ever cared? Snap out of it! You can't let the past bring you down, you need to move forward! That voice in my head was right. I'm free now, it's time to fret over things and people that aren't in my life anymore. I will move forward!

      A yawn quickly escaped my mouth. I think I'll get some sleep before I go any further. I drove until I found a cheap motel. I need to save money, and it would be harder to get a room where they ran everything by the books. The motel I found I was hoping to bribe someone.

      I grabbed my duffel bag, my wallet, phone and keys. I made sure to lock my truck before heading towards the main lobby.

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