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Normal P.O.V

It was the morning of the day before the ball, meaning that Laxus and Lucy were about to leave Fairy Tail in order to catch the first train to Crocus.

"Bye guys! I'll see you soon!" Lucy yelled to her friends, seeing them waving back before the guild doors slammed to a close.

When she heard the click of the door, she turned to Laxus and smiled. He had a scowl on his face, making Lucy frown. She looked ahead, wondering why Laxus was always so grumpy.

He had great friends, was one of the more powerful mages in Fairy Tail, and not to mention one of only seven dragon slayers on the planet! Lucy couldn't think of an obvious reason as to why he always seemed upset.

Her thoughts had soon been interrupted by the screeching sound of the trains wheels against the metal track. She shook her head, blinking several times.

"What the? When did we get here?" She quietly mumbled, bringing her hand up to her chin.

"A few minutes ago blondie, keep up." Laxus mumbled, annoyed that she was confused as to where they were and when they had gotten there.

The train door opened, and Lucy was the first to board. She walked to the back of the train, taking the window seat. Laxus sat next to her, but he sat as far away as possible from the girl.

Lucy shrugged it off before making herself comfortable by staring out of her window, satisfied with the view she was receiving. The train lurched forward, causing Laxus to turn green.

Lucy heard a slap and turned to the man sitting next to her. His face was a hue of green, and his hand covered his mouth. Lucy giggled, remembering he was a dragon slayer.

She pulled on Laxus's arm, brining his head to her lap. Pulling him down wasn't particularly hard as it normally was, the slayer could barley sit up right.

She ran her delicate fingers through his hair, trying to calm him. "This usually helps Natsu, so maybe it'll help you." Lucy kindly smiled, then looked out of her window, soaking up the views.

The slayer wanted to thank the girl, but he was scared that if he opened his mouth, more than just words would come out. His stomach had already began to calm, and he kept silently thanking Lucy in his head.

Laxus knew this ride was going to be long, so he closed his eyes and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Laxus's eyes suddenly shot awake when he heard the screeching wheels of the train. He had also heard a soft giggle, gaining his attention. He looked up to see a smiling Lucy.

Within seconds, Laxus was sitting upright, staring back at Lucy. Without the fear of vomit coming out of his mouth, he was able to thank Lucy.

"Thank you, Lucy. That actually made me feel better." He softly smiled, shocking Lucy.

She had a light blush decorating her cheeks, but it was accompanied with a warm smile. "Yea, no problem! I'm glad I could help." She giggled, making Laxus give her a respectable nod.

Laxus grabbed their bags out of the carry on compartments, and the two exited the train. Laxus being relieved that he didn't have to deal with his upset stomach anymore for a little while.

The walk to the castle was short, and Lucy was reliving her memories of the grand magic games. Even if some questionable things had happened, she loved every minute of it. She had gotten herself into a fit of giggles when she remembered Natsu stealing the Kings suit.

Laxus was not upset this time when Lucy was laughing, he was happy that she was enjoying herself. Last time they were here she was experiencing  tremendous pain, yet here she was, having a fit of laughter. Laxus even joined in on a laugh or two.

She quieted down after a minute, taking deep breaths to restore the lack of oxygen in her lungs. 

When she calmed herself down, they were at the castle doors, being blocked by several guards.

Lucy quietly spoke, catching the attention of the guard. "Excuse me? We're here to protect the Princess." She sweetly said, even offering a smile at the end.

"Show us your guild marks." The older of the two guards said, no sign of being friendly. Lucy excitedly held up her hand, and Laxus moved his shirt to expose his chest. The guards nodded, moving out of the way.

Their mission had officially begun.

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