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"As we live a life of ease,
Every one of us has all we need"

Chapter 9: Secrets Told.
"Nathan give it back!"

Lilly had been visiting S.H.I.E.L.D, there to see her Godparents and Brooklyn, and it had all been going very well.

She was training with Natasha, learning first aid with Clint and hanging out with Brooklyn, the two close friends rejoicing together.

All had been going well until a certain red-haired Russian boy decided that now would be a good time to use his spy training to steal the watch that Lilly held so dear to herself.

Brooklyn giggled to herself, amused as she watched the two.

Lilly ran after Nathan, her longer legs easily catching up to his slightly shorter ones, and she jumped on to his back, knocking him over.

"Get off me you big lump." Nathan whined, scowling as Lilly sat up on his back, grabbing her watch back from his hands.

"My Dad made that for me Orange head, don't ever take it again or you'll have Iron Man to face." She said, getting off him with a flounce.

"Oh really? Well my Mum is the Black Widow, so I'd like to see your skimpy Dad try." Nathan sassed back, getting up and dusting his trousers.

"Try what, Kid?"

Lilly beamed at something behind Nathan, and Nathan saw the shadow over him, turning slowly to see Tony Stark there, arms crossed over his chest with an unamused look plastered on his face . Nathan gulped, peering behind him to see Natasha smirking at him, and Clint drawing his finger over his throat.

"N-nothing Sir." He responded, a slight blush over his cheekbones. Tony continued to stare at him, obviously unamused, and Natasha punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Come on Tony, don't you be scaring my baby now." She said, pinching Nathan's cheeks.

Lilly laughed outright, a loud, cackling laugh escaping her, as Nathan's whole face turned the same colour as his hair, his facial expression a mix between a outrage, embarrassment and anger.

"Mum!" He hissed, pulling Natasha's hands away from his cheeks.

"Awww Nathan," Lilly cooed, pinching one of his cheeks before he slapped her hand off, "Don't be so mean little baby."

"Shut up." He mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest. Lilly patted the top of his head, an advantage of being taller than his pre-growth spurt height. Nathan glared at her, and shook her hand off, murmuring something about a training session before leaving the room.

Lilly stared after Nathan, feeling slightly guilty. She turned to Tony and Nat, cringing.

"Too far?" She asked.

"Nah," Tony answered, patting her shoulder, "He deserved it."

"Hey, don't push it Stark." Natasha said, and Lilly couldn't tell if she was being serious or not.

Brooklyn watched from the sides, a grin plastered on her face.

Nathan had deserved it, though she didn't want to interrupt the slightly flustered Nathan and oblivious Lilly.

Lilly had been coming to the compound more often than usual, her sort of 'go-to' area, according to Tony. Ever since the previous home in Malibu was destroyed and she'd been staying at Stark-or was it Avenger Tower?-Tower in New York, until their new home was built and ready.

"Hey Lills, come on, there was that thing I wanted to show you remember?" Brooklyn said to Lilly, jerking her head in the direction of the door.

Brooklyn led Lilly down and around the busy S.H.I.E.L.D base, weaving in and out of Agents who smiled and greeted Brooklyn, and either smiled or stared weirdly at Lilly too.

Brooklyn guided Lilly to the shooting range, one of Brooklyn's favourite facilities.

"Well, this'll be fun." Lilly said, catching a loaded gun Brooklyn threw in her direction. She put her sound-proof earmuffs on, and, following the younger Agent's instructions, clicked the safety off the gun, aiming.




"Agent 225, report to the Director's office, thats Agent 225 to Director Fury's office."

Brooklyn frowned, looking up from studying the Second World War, text book open on her bed on the 'War Heroes' chapter.

Why would Fury need her?

Sighing, she got up off her bed, leaving her room, locking the door behind her to stop Nathan from prying.

She whistled as she walked, mind racing as she struggled to come up with any sort of logical reason as to why the Director would need her.

She walked into the office, only to be greeted with a large Shield in her face, red-white-and blue colours.

She knew who's shield this was.

She had studied him in S.H.I.E.L.D's earlier days, how it was founded.

She had read the article about him when he was found, the rumours and stories flying around the organisation in the earlier days.

"Um..." She tapped the shield twice, the man wearing it turning around, "Mr Rogers, could I-"

"Sure, sorry. I didn't realise Fury had invited another person."

Brooklyn laughed awkwardly, edging around him and clearing her throat to catch Fury's attention.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" She asked, crossing her arms behind her back.

"Agent, do you know who this man is?" Fury asked, pointing at the Hero standing alert besides her.

"Agent?" Steve Rogers murmured, unable to believe that a younger child- a child- was working with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Yes Sir," Brooklyn replied confidently, "I have studied his influence on S.H.I.E.L.D-"

"Good," Fury looked up from his files, tossing them on to his desk, walking around it to lean against the front, "Now Agent, could you tell me your middle name and it's importance?"

Brooklyn hesitated, eyes flickering between Rogers and Fury.

"Um...It's Peggy Sir," She replied, ignoring the Captain's head whipping in her direction, "After one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Thank you Agent." The director turned his attention back to the Captain, who was staring back, a mixture of confusion and disbelief on his face.

"Do you understand what I mean, Mr Rogers?" Fury asked him, intriguing Brooklyn.

"Do you now understand what I mean when I say, you have a daughter Steve Rogers?"

Brooklyn's head whipped towards him, mouth agape.

"What?" She whispered.


Dun dun dun!

Yes, I really just did that.

Did any of you figure it out? I know some of you certainly did.

Well done you!

So, now that we ALL know a favourite agent of ours is the one and only Captain America's daughter, what's next?

Very good question.

The answer, will be coming very, VERY soon.
See ya!

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