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'These chains will not hold me down, breaking from to the ground, can't tame these lions inside.'

Chapter 3: New Faces.

The plane landed, and Lilly followed the Ruby lady and 225.

They soon met with a man.

Lilly was intrigued by his billowing black coat, and his mysterious eye patch.

She simply stared at him while he waited for them to reach him before talking.

"Agent Romanoff, Agent 225. Nice to see that the mission went...decently." He said, motioning with his head towards Lilly.

"Well Nick, not everyone can manage to infiltrate a Hydra base and capture its main weapon in one day, can they now?" The Ruby sassed.

Lilly considered her words. Weapon? What 'main weapon' were they talking about?
Lilly mentally went through every possible death machine she had seen while being torn apart, categorising them into most harmful to least dangerous.

The man hummed in response.
"I'm sure they can't." He replied.

He set his eye on to Lilly, and she wanted to cower back into the plane from the intensity of his gaze.

"Oh! This is...um..." 225 started off, but she soon trailed off when she realised that she didn't know the rest of the sentence. She turned towards Lilly, the question evident on her face.

Lilly stepped forwards, her hands trembling slightly behind her back.

"Lilly Williams. No one calls me that though, no one really calls me anything but 'Rat', And That's on a good day." She rambled nervously.

"How charming." The man said, not removing his eye from he face, as if he recognised her.

"Director Nick Fury of the Stragetic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, But you can call us S.H.I.E.L.D." He said to her, holding out a hand for her to shake.
Lilly slowly took his hand, and shook it for a second.
The man however, turned her hand over to her wrist, and he studied the disorientated crescent moon birth mark that was marked on her wrist.

His eye widened slightly, but Lilly noticed the look.

"Agent Romanoff, over here." He said, motioning for the Ruby to have a look. She came over, and her face paled as she saw the mark.

Lilly snatched her hand away, suddenly scared. She had always had the mark, since she was a baby. It was a shade or two darker than her usual skin tone so she had classed it as a pretty birthmark, and nothing more.

However, the two grown ups' reaction had made her nervous. She grasped her wrist to her chest.

"Wha..what's wrong?" She asked, her voice wavering.

Would they take her back? They wouldn't, Not after they had saved her.

No. She wouldn't be put back in there. She would burn whoever tried to take her back.

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