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'I was dreaming of bigger things, and want to leave my own life behind.'

Chapter 8: secrets revealed.

Lilly has gone back for a feather she had seen, wanting to hold onto it for herself.

She could pretend that it was from her wings, and just holding onto it made her all light and floaty.

While retrieving the feather, she has looked up at he room she had recently been in, and she had seen the Director with Mr Stark there, looking down at her. She had waved, but this action had sent Stark recoiling away from the window-from her- and out of Lilly's line of vision.

The action had tripped something up in Lilly, but she had simply shrugged off the saddening feeling it left her with and instead had focused on catching up with Natasha, bombarding her with questions about her late family member.

"What was her favourite colour? No-what was her favourite flavour? Did she have any hobbies? What was she like? Was she funny?- sarcastic?- kind? Did you ever train with her? Go on missions with her? Who won?" She rambled, speaking quickly and animatedly.

Natasha simply laughed at her word vomit, and answered her questions with care, not wanting to disappoint Lilly.

"She loved orange, She was always going on about how it was such a serene colour. She adored chocolate-I have never seen anyone eat as much chocolate and stay as fit as your mother was!" Natasha chuckled. Lilly smiled happily, delighted to hear about her Mum.

"She was such a book nerd, always had her nose in some sort of classic. When she wasn't reading, she was training with me and Clint- obviously I won though." Natasha boasted.

The two laughed, and Natasha shook her head at the surprisingly energetic girl.

Her bubbly attitude came as a surprise considering the eleven years of pain filled torture she had lived through.

Natasha knew the girl was broken-hell, maybe Lilly was as broken as her.

Probably more.

Nat remembered something her old instructor would tell her.

'Break her. Broken girls blossom into Warriors.'

She wanted to pay Hydra a visit for the pain they had caused her and her loved ones, and the condition they had found Lilly in- those cells- had put them on her number one 'to kill' list.


They had messed with her family for the last time, and she would not let it happen again. 

Never again.


The walk back to where Fury and Tony was quite...eventful.

Lilly-being the excited eleven-year-old she was- was all over the place, bumping into other agents and crashing into doors.

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