Chapter Six: Natalia/Cake pt 2-3

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Maria POV

Tay and I haven't talked in about a about a week. And I can't get my off her off my mind either. I've wanted to call, but I just couldn't muster up the courage to talk to her. Last time we talked I basically told her my feelings...I know... **shaking my head** and she still walked out the door. Now I know she's still with Lea, but she hasn't exactly been shying away from me or my son.

I've always been attracted to her but seeing how good she is with Javi has taken my feelings for her to another level. It's not only her eyes, her voice or Tay just being Tay, that has me drawn to her now. It's also how she goes and treats Javi. She treats him as if he is her son. Then add to it the fact he absolutely adores her too. That's just another plus.

I've been cheated on, I've been emotionally abused and Ive been incredibly lonely for years now. And now after 3 years, I see the one person I've always wanted to be with. I'm also about to be free. So I'm sorry not sorry that I don't wanna miss out on being with her again. I'm not trying to break them up per se. But I am putting out there that I'm not fighting my feelings this time. From there on, it's up to Tay.

As I'm thinking about Tay, my phone rings. It's Tina Thomas. Damn, I haven't talked to her in years. She eventually asks me to lunch saying she would like to talk to me about Tay. So of course I said yes. We meet at restaurant called Cosi. There we eat Italian food and talk.

She starts off with "Well here's the deal, Tay's birthday is a few days away." Tina already has a mischievous smile on her face as she says that she planning trouble. "Ok.", I say dryly. I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to figure out why I'm here. "I have a idea of what to get her but it involves you.", she says.

Now, I know I have an confused look on my face. I know I do because I am severely and utterly confused right now. She continues with, "Natalia." I start cracking up. "Seriously? Again?", I say after I catch my breath. "Seriously.", she says with a very serious expression. "Tay has been so miserable this last week.", she adds. "She would kill me if she knew I was here.", she says.

"For good reason.", I say and take sip of my water. "I know it's not my business.", she adds and I nod in agreement. "Tay is a grown woman, if she wants me around all she has to do is say so. I'm not waiting or being extra to spend time with her.", I respond. "I told ya.", I hear suddenly. It's coming from Tina's cousin who's tagged along.

She looks at me. "Sorry.", she then hurries to say. She's cute and looks like Normani or Serena Williams or somebody like that. I can't put my finger on it. But she obviously wants to put more than a finger on me, she has been flashing me flirtatious glances the entire time. Her smooth dark skin just adds to her appeal and her smile is bright and addictive. If I wasn't so hung up on Tay maybe I'd flirt back.

But since I am, I decide to not return the glances. Which just emboldens her to try and entice me more. She obviously likes hard to get. Interesting. "Shut up Shany. You just mad Tay not into you.", Tina says. Shany shrugs and says, "Just saying." I chuckle. Which causes her to shoot me another glance. She keeps her eyes glued on me as she says, "Ion want no butch no way."

She turns back to Tina. Shany then says,  "But me see why she want her." I thought she was talking about Tay at first. That was until I barely caught a glimpse of a slight nudge. It was pointed my way. Interesting. This girl is really trying to get at me. Then I have a quick thought. Maybe I will help out after all. This might be too interesting not to. Whelp, so much for not being extra.


It's been a few weeks since I've worked out. But today I feel like I have some energy, finally. I pop on a workout mix Tay made for me a couple of years back. The disc has Motivation written on it in all caps. It also says Motivation for more motivation. She thought she was being funny. The disc has the song Motivation on it 12 times.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now