Chapter Three: In My Feelings/Special Affair

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                       Lea POV

When Tay comes to get me, shes extremely upbeat. She comes in the room and immediately lifts me off my feet, surprising me. She stops swinging me only to place me down and kiss me. It is a kiss that was incredibly deep but incredibly loving as well. She stops and slowly pulls away. She stares me directly in my eyes as she pulls away. I smile wide and say, "Well hello to you too, beautiful." That makes her chuckle.

I tug her by her shirt, pulling her closer to me, before I look up at her. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?", I ask her. I bite my lip in anticipation of her answer. I don't why I'm reacting this way, but here I am(I'm shrugging internally just to let you know). She looks at me and smiles before pecking me on the forehead. "Yes, but I love you way more.", she responds.

I grab my suitcase with one hand and her hand with the other and I say, "Betcha you don't." Then I continue to drag her out the classroom. "Lemme drive, I wanna take you someplace.", I tell her as we stand in front of the car. I quickly hold my hand open in front of her causing her to chuckle again as she drops the keys into the palm of my hand. "I'm not gonna regret this am I?", she asks with a cautious and a little nervous look on her face.

"What? Why you so scurred?", I ask her mockingly. She squints, "I ain't scurred...", she says. She quickly adds in a jab. "...and who in the fuck still says scurred?" Shes just trying to deflect. Regardless of the word I use, a fact is a fact. She's obviously nervous. I have to chuckle, it's too cute not to. I simply just want to take her out on a date, I guess you can call it. Nothing big.

Since I know Tay, I know she wouldn't want to go to some restaurant or to the movies. On our dates that's what we almost always do. She lies and says she's not sick of it. But I know she is. So since she doesn't wanna do that stuff, I figure, those places are out. So I thought we'd go someplace a little more fun.

I drive us about 30 minutes away to Maryland. I figure we'll play a little mini golf maybe some go carts, stuff like that. Hell it actually seems like a lot of fun to me too. "So how did you find this place, bae?", she asks as she takes some shots at the arcade basketball game.

I sit back drinking my pop watching her miss shot after shot horribly. "What do you think I don't know how to have fun?", I kid. Now since she's now done losing, I now have her full attention."Oh I know, you do.", she says before pulling me into her and playfully nuzzling my neck. It tickles so much I can't help but giggle. "Ahh, Tay stop.", I say as I'm finally able to get out of her clutches. She starts to laugh so hard it makes me laugh just as hard(man I just love just hearing her laugh).

I sit down at a free table. She stands in front of me and says, "Up." telling me to stand up. Mind you there are other free seats. So I get up thinking she means we're going to do some other activities. But once I stand she quickly plops down in my seat and before I know it she's pulling me into her lap. I can't help but laugh again as she has started laughing too.

I'm enjoying us being so care free, I almost forget why I brought her here. But of course when I'm just about to say something she beats me to the punch. "As you were saying, my love.", she says. I still can try to change the subject and say something but of course I panic and continue with the prior subject. "So at the church, I was head of the youth services. I would find activities for the kids to do monthly. I found this place and we came here often.", I explain as I played with one of her pigtails.

I was just about to try say something once again, when an old student of mine sees me and immediately starts running over. "Shit.", I think. I more than remember her and she is a very very very very very talkative person. But more important, than the fact that she's a talker and a former student, she just so happens to be one of those church kids I brought to this very mini golf place.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now