Chapter One: Quality Time/Strapped up

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I really really love my life, right now. Every morning I wake up in the arms of my love. In our new house that I love and I go to a job that I love. Tay and I aren't married but we might as well be. In fact she now calls me wifey more than bae, baby or boo.

She also now introduces me as her wife, not girlfriend or partner. Oh and I'm out now. I'm a fully out, full fledged proud to eat pussy citizen of America (Tay's personality has obviously rubbed off on me). I'll tell anyone and everyone who wonders with ease. I took that important step and I accepted me as I really am.

I'm also happy with my life because as of about 9 months 2 days 5 hrs and 22 minutes ago, I returned back to being Lena Lea Carter. But who's counting, right? And yes Lea is my middle name. My grand mother loved Lena Horne so my dad named me that. I absolutely love the name too but I was always called Lea and it just stuck.

Well, it's been 3 nearly 4 years since I really really REALLY fucked up. I was incredibly stupid and incredibly cowardice. I mean, I seriously could've lost Tay. Thankfully she gave me a second chance and we've fortunately moved on. So much so that Tay has even started talking about kids as of late. That's all she can talk about. Either it's names or how many to have or what gender she wants the most (not surprisingly a boy).

Her oldest brother had a son and she's been on baby fever ever since. But she has never wanted to make me feel bad about having difficulties with getting pregnant. So she hid for the longest time that she even wants kids. I only figured it out when I saw her reactions to and with kids change. After she met little Julian Miller, she hasn't been the same. I told her I wanted the same and specifically with HER. Ever since then we've been looking into adopting but for the future. Definitely not yet.

But anyways, aside from wifey, she also calls me Mrs. Miller now. Honestly, I love hearing her call me either one of the afore mentioned titles. But since I officially became a free woman, I have been seriously considering asking her. Or at least asking her what she thinks about us getting married. Guess I'm just nervous. **Sigh.** There's also another reason I'm hesitant.

It's because of our current situation. She's still in school working on her masters. But now she also works as a chemical technician(I'm beaming right now). My baby worked hard, hustled and got an associates. She did this all while still working on her main degree AND still working at Costco. She had to quit there after she got her technician job, though.

As for me I'm now teaching two different courses. American History and African American Studies(they just recently added it to the school's curriculum). We still have my mustang but now it's mostly hers. I figured since she has classes and work, she needs it more than me. I just take the bus to work and she gets me on her way home.

So basically we are already working like hell. We try not to be too tired and actually spend quality time together. We make it work but adding marriage and kids could just make things even harder. I understand the difficulties of marriage and have experienced the differences between that and dating. I wouldn't want to put that kind of pressure on her. She already tries so hard and gives me so much. I couldn't possibly ask for more.

Just tonight, I'm working late grading papers and here she comes with roses, wine and Chinese food. God, I love this woman. "How was your day today?", she asks and then gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Any juicy gossip?", she then asks double pumping her eyebrows. I told her how two of the professors are supposedly hooking up and she's hounded me for gossip since.

"It was good and NO!!! I knew I shouldn't have told you.", I say to her and laugh. "Well hell nothing like that ever happens at my job we're all nerds with no life.", she explains. She stops. "Well not me, I have a great life and a great wife.", she says before pecking me on the lips. "Nice save but you're still a nerd.", I respond. "Well at least I'm a sexy one.", she shoots back and winks. "Touché.", I relent and wink back.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant